He Has the Power! Cancer Journey: Day 14

Our God is a God of miracles! Just as we read about in the Bible, we still see Him perform miraculous healing today. He is our Healer, our Great Physician. We can, with faith-filled confidence, approach Him asking for healing for ourselves, for family, and for anyone. What a huge blessing that is!

In faith, I plead with Him for healing for myself and for all who are suffering illness and disease. He has the power! We must proclaim His power and goodness, believing and trusting Him to take care of us and to bless us with complete healing. Amen! †

“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” – Psalm 103:2-5
#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus

#MyGoalisCancerFree   #MyCancerWarisOn   #CancerWillNotWin


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