CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS: A plea for healing.....


I have a very special request. We have not made this public until now, but my brother...once again.. has some serious issues that is going to be addressed this next Tuesday. As many of you know and have been praying about, my brother, John, suffers from Barrett's Esophagus, as well as, some serious stomach issues including ulcers and problems with his stomach lining. 

He went to his Cardiologist - Dr. Stoudemire at Jackson hospital a few weeks ago for tests. It has been determined that he has 3 heart blockages. Two are in the front of his heart and it appears that one is behind his heart. He will get more confirmation on this when he and Darlene meet with her Tuesday. IF he does have two blockages in the front of his heart, she is going to attempt a Heart Catheterization to hopefully unblock them. Montgomery does not have the capability to go behind the heart to work on a blockage; therefore, he would have to go to UAB. This is EXTREMELY dangerous! 

In addition, my brother has already had two open heart surgeries. He also has Degenerative Cardiovascular Disease and Dr. Stoudemire has said that it is getting progressively worse. She said that he cannot continue to live with these blockages and that procedures will have to be done to try to correct his problems. We are praying, begging, and pleading with God that John will NOT have to go through a third open heart surgery. 

PLEASE....PLEASE....PLEASE....I am personally begging each of you to lift my brother - by name - before our gracious and merciful heavenly Father every day as he prepares to get his updates on Tuesday, July 16th. 

If you know my brother, you know that he is a man of God first...and he is a loving, compassionate person who loves everyone and will do anything he can to help someone. 

My heart is breaking that he has to continue to suffer with so many health issues. 

John needs the Hands of God to bless him with a healing miracle and I know He has the power to do it. 

"Do not be afraid or discouraged....For the battle 
is not yours, but God's."
2 Chronicles 20:15

Love you all! 


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