CANCER: Chemo Stop Temporarily...Hand-Foot Syndrome Progression

July 23, 2019

The oral chemo I am on for 6 months, Xeloda, is starting to build up in my system and results in my Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (Hand-Foot Syndrome) getting worse. It is not yet near to what I experienced with the chemo, Taxotere. It has, however, become difficult to walk. With the red comes pain, swelling, and nerve sensitivity. I couldn’t close my hands when I first woke-up this morning. I am extremely sensitive to cold and heat as well. 

I know in the scheme of my cancer journey, this might seem like a small hiccup; however, it is a little more important than that. This chemo only adds a 5% chance to the “odds” of my not having cancer again. That seems like a small number, but both my Medical Oncologist and my Radiation Oncologist have told me that the 5% could be exactly what I need to not have cancer return. Dr. Bondly, my Medical Oncologist, told me last week that if the HFS gets worse, she is going to have to cut my dosage because it could also cause other issues. I do NOT want to lower my dosage. I want that full 5%! Even though I haven’t had Taxotere since January, it also is still in my system. I know because I just lost four more toe nails this week....two for the second time. It could also be aggravating my HFS. 

Please lift me in your prayers that the HFS will get better....especially before I have to go back to Dr. Bondly on August 8th. The power of prayer is an amazing gift and because of God’s power, prayers can heal and restore. God is leading!

Love y’all! 

July 24, 2019

UPDATE on my Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (Hand-Foot Syndrome). I did not rest well last night as the pain in my hands and feet got progressively worse. This morning my fingers looked like you could poke them with a needle and they would pop. I have barely been able to walk today. So, I had no choice but to contact my Medical Oncologist. 

HFS is a toxicity and in my case is caused from the chemo Xeloda and it also caused me to have it with the Taxotere chemo. Since it is a toxicity, it has the capability of causing some serious permanent nerve damage and can even cause sepsis and other issues; therefore, today Dr. Bondly told me that - at this point - we cannot be concerned about the extra 5% I might get from this chemo. 

As it stands, after all I go through and with taking a hormone reducing pill for 10 years to life....with this lowers my risk from 25% to 20% that my cancer will return. Of course....all of the calculations are based on historical statistics...and not on what God has planned for me. I know He has 100% cure rate for me! 

Anyway, Dr. Bondly told me to stop taking the chemo as of today to give it a chance to start backing out of my system rather than risking it getting worse and causing more damage. The chemo stacks on top of each other; therefore, it continues to work for a while after treatment and continued treatments increases the amount of chemo in your body. 

I will go back to see her on August 2nd for a check-up and blood work. If I am ok at that time, she is going to start me back with 2,000MG per day rather than the 2,500 per day that I have currently been on. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers. 

Love y'all! 


God is leading and He is healing!
I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

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#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


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