CANCER: Chemo Toxicity - Severe Stomach Cramps

WOW....Yesterday morning my Medical Oncologist instructed me to stop taking the Xeloda immediately. My Hand-Foot Syndrome was so severe that the redness was starting to blister and the pain was very intense. I started having nerve sensations in my hands and feet and both were very sensitive to cold and heat.

This is nothing new for me because I had an even much worse case when I was taking the intravenous chemo, Taxotere. It caused so many issues, I thought it might literally take my life. The Xeloda, like Taxotere is also making me so sleepy that I can barely hold my eyes open during the day. I will fall asleep in my chair and then wake-up and hour to three hours later. 

It is crazy what chemo does to the body; however, we have to try to push through it the same is part of the means by which we hope to heal and rid our bodies of this horrible cancer. 

Yesterday evening I started having severe stomach cramps....nothing like I have ever experienced short of pregnancy. It was so painful! I took some over-the-counter medicines, but nothing seemed to ease the pain. Then, a couple of hours later I started having nausea and diarrhea. Talking about a difficult time....I was seriously in agony. 

I started to sit-up in my chair or on the couch all night because laying in the bed was almost unbearable. After getting my stomach rubbed down with Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil....I started to get a little relief. I also got Lavender Oil rubbed on my temples and wrists and that allowed me to calm enough to go to sleep. I was up several times in the night with upset stomach. It was miserable to say the least!

This morning, my stomach was still hurting, but not as severe. My Alabama Oncology Pharmacy called me to check-up and see how I was doing with my second round of chemo. I told them that Dr. Bondly had taken me off for the next week and a half and that when I started back, I would be on a reduced dosage from 2500 MG per day to 2000 per day. 

I told them about my stomach issues and they said it was probably from the toxicity that also caused the Hand-Foot Syndrome. They suggested some things for me to try and said that if I didn't get better, to give them a call back. The good thing is that I am not running a fever and I have not ran a fever the entire time I have been on chemo, surgery, or radiation. If a cancer patient gets the slightest fever, it means going to the hospital...or at least they told me that would be true in my case.

Today, Michael gave me some organic Ginger and also made me Ginger Tea. That has helped some. My stomach is still tender to touch, but my nausea and diarrhea has lessened. I have been having some seriously annoying hiccups. I can't stand them as they also make me nauseated. I took a prescription pill earlier today and that has helped with the nausea quite a bit. 

I have definitely slept more hours today than I have been awake. But, I guess my body needs it. When I am well, I never take naps or sleep during the day; however, chemo has a way of zapping your energy. I have just felt weak and worn out all day. But, I know this too shall pass.

Thank you all for your continued prayers for complete earthly healing. Not one prayer lifted on my behalf is taken lightly or is ever unappreciated. The power of prayer is an amazing gift! Love you all!

My Precious Loving Father, Holy Creator, and Great Physician, I lift my heart to You through my prayer. My plea is that You will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my medical professionals, and bless the means used for my cure. I pray that You will give me such confidence and assurance in the Power of Your Grace, that even when I am afraid or insecurities creep-in, I will remain strong, put my whole trust in You knowing that You are leading me every step. I beg for a complete earthly healing as I want to have many more years to celebrate life with the beautiful, loving family You have blessed me with. But, if my healing comes on earth or if I am healed in eternity.....all will be well with my soul. For it is in You that I put my whole being in Your hands. Through my Savior Jesus the Christ, I lift this plea before Your Magnificent Throne, Amen!

"So do not fear, for I am with Patricia; do not be dismayed, for I am Patricia's God. I will strengthen Patricia and help Patricia; I will uphold Patricia with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10    Amen, Daddy...Abba!

I am Yours!

God is leading and He is healing!
I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

GoFundMe Account:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors

#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


  1. You pray so beautifully, Patricia, I will pray for you always.

  2. Thank you sweet sister. I am praying for you as well. Love you.


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