Racism: There is only ONE race and God Created it.

Why all the prejudice comments and attitude against various groups of people....after all....biblically, there is only ONE race. Yes, just one! The term race is often used to classify people based almost solely on physical characteristics. According to evolutionary ideas, these so-called races descended from different ancestors separated by location and time.

However, based on biblical history, the term race must be incorrect. We are all one race (“one blood” in Acts 17:26), the human race. A person’s skin shade (what is on the outside) should in no way invoke any sort of prejudice or racist comments. What a difference we would see in our world if people reacted in accord with biblical principles, understanding all humans are equal before God, and all are sinners in need of salvation.

In our modern culture, we are racially programmed, particularly in regard to the skin color issue. Because of our culture’s racist roots, the way the world thinks, and the influence of Darwinian thinking, we have been programmed to look at the outside of a person rather than the inside of a person.

We need to begin to see as God sees. "For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7b) By the way, most of my life I have heard people refer to and often condemn "interracial marriage."

Well, there is no such thing. We all were created from the same man and woman, our blood...if a match...is interchangeable no matter skin color. WE ARE ONE! Be at peace and love one another. That is God's will for His children.



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