CANCER: Oral Chemo....Second Round

I have completed my first two weeks of oral chemo and have went back to my Medical Oncologist on July 11th for my first check-up to see how I am handling the chemo. 

I had a port issue the last time I had my check-up prior to beginning the Xeloda oral chemo. After it gave one vial of blood, it stopped working and would not give anymore blood. The night prior going to the doctor I had some pains in my port. They said that they would go with the one vial of blood for testing this time. My blood showed that I was low on Vitamin D again so Dr. Bondly gave me a prescription for Vitamin D....the same I had to take previously when taking intravenous chemo. 

At my check-up last week, my port would flush fine, but would not produce a drop of blood. My nurse said that this occasionally happens and that I could have some dried blood that is blocking the flow. As long as the port will flush, it still can be used for chemo if I ever have to go down that route again. Praying that will never be needed. After having to take 4 vials of blood from my all checked-out great and my numbers were all good. 

I told Dr. Bondly that I did have an issue with the Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (Hand-Foot Syndrome) again, but was not near as bad as I have experienced before. She wanted to cut the dose of my chemo immediately because she said that it can compound...which I already knew...and she does not want it to make me sick or unable to walk or use my hands. My hands do not show "red" but they are extremely sensitive. I told her that I did not want to lower my dosage of chemo at this time. It only offers a 5% change of my cancer not returning....but it is a 5% that I want and might need in the future. She reluctantly agreed to let me take the same dosage for another two weeks. However, she said that if I have any serious issues, stop taking the chemo immediately and call her office. 

I am only in my fourth day of my second round and I already have the Hand-Foot Syndrome back. My feet and hands also swell with this; therefore, makes it difficult to wear shoes. I wear house-shoes most of the time. I am using three different creams that contain Urea. The Urea is supposed to help lessen the severity of the HFS and it is working because, thus far, it does not compare at all to the degree of pain and suffering that I had with this when I was on the chemo Taxotere. It might come to me having to lower my dosage; however, for now I am going to continue with the 2,500MG per day.  I take 5 pills and a nausea pill in the morning and another 5 pills and a nausea pill in the evening. I also have to continue taking a pill for joint and bone pain until I have completed taking the chemo for 6 months. 

I still have lost elasticity and hydration in my skin. I have not, as of yet, been able to start regaining it. It is very difficult to do and especially after one gets older to regain loss of hydration in the skin. I will continue to work toward regaining elasticity; however, if it is a price that I will have to pay for getting well....then, so be it.

I am so thankful for my walk with Jesus. It is my faith that prepared me for the journey that I have had to travel since September 10, 2018. Knowing that God loves me and desires the best for me and all of His children is comforting. It doesn't mean that His children won't suffer or even lose their earthly lives, but as we learn from Romans 8:28, "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans." This "working for our good" is and eternal good....not an earthly good. And, that good comes "if we love God." To love God, to honor God, and to obey God are conditions that we must meet. Furthermore, God does not have pre-plans already set for our life. We are created free to make choices, to make mistakes, to choose Him, or yes....even reject Him. "Fitting into His plans" means His plan that "all should come to Him and none would parish," however, we know that many will not come and, sadly, many will be lost. 

We offer our prayers, our pleas before His Throne. We lay them down at His feet and know that we are in His Hands. The power of prayer is one of God's greatest gifts given to His children. He provides a manner in which we can talk with Him....just like we would our earthly daddy. 

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That doesn't mean that He doesn't change His mind or decide to change the course of history when we pray....because we know He can and does change personal lives. It means that the core of who God is....His character will not change. God knows who He will be. God knows what HE will do; however, He has given us a path to talk to Him and change His mind....and that is through prayer. Amen!

Please continue to lift me by name in your daily prayers. They are carrying me through this journey and I believe God will bring me to a complete earthly healing. Love you all!

Pics of my feet from today are at the bottom of this page. Please continue to pray that my hands and feet do not get worse and that my blood counts remain good.

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus

I am blessed beyond measure and I never 
forget that for a second!


  1. Prayers continue as always. I pray for you to make the right decisions concerning whether or not to have your chemo dosage lowered. I trust you will do whatever God leads you to do. I love you.

  2. Thank you sweet sister-friend. As long as I can tolerate the discomfort, I want to be able to take the full dose. However, if it gets worse I will definitely contact Dr. Bondly. She wants me to continue with caution and that is what I am doing. God is leading my journey and I believe He has chosen to bless me with complete healing. There are no certainties; however, I remain positive. One thing that is for sure and that is His never-ending, insurmountable love for each of His children. My hope and my faith is in the One Who has given us all. Amen!


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