CANCER: My Story - Hair Renewal After Chemo - From Bald to Thick Hair

MY STORY: Hair Renewal

From Bald to Thick, Healthy Hair

I have always had very thick and usually shoulder length to longer hair. When I was diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer in September, 2018….I knew that was all about to change. I began chemo on October 9, 2018 and two weeks later my hair was thinning and falling out in clumps.

I completed chemo treatments January 25, 2019. By now, I had been bald for several months. Now, it was time to start trying to get my hair to grow back and grow back quickly. However, there was a gap in time….as I was told by my Medical Oncologist, that the chemo would remain in my body for a few weeks to months. I knew then not to expect any new hair growth for at least a few weeks.

I went into the hospital on March 5th to undergo Bilateral Mastectomy surgery. Therefore, I wasn’t able to lift my arms or even get in the shower for a couple of weeks. Here I was still bald and not able to do anything about it. I had started using Monat Haircare products in February, 2018. Although my hair was thick and healthy, a friend of mine recommended it to me and I immediately LOVED it! It made my hair even more healthy and shiny. So, I was anxious to start back on Monat Black 2 in 1 to see if it would help me to grow my hair back quick, healthy, and thick. I had been told that it had ingredients in everyone of their products for that very purpose.

By mid-March, I was able to start getting in the shower and was able to wash my hair again…..using the Black 2 in 1. WOW…..everyone was shocked and amazed at how quickly my hair started to grow back. They could not believe how thick my hair was. In April, I started 6 weeks of radiation and every day, I would get comments from other ladies in radiation therapy, as well as my radiology techs, who commented and bragged on my hair growth. They, of course, wanted to know my secret and I was very happy to share with them my Monat story.

Now, I am sharing it with you. As soon as I started using the Monat Haircare products again, my hair started to grow back thick, soft, and healthy. I am now a Monat Partner. I have so much faith and confidence in this product that I knew I had to let other women know what it can do for them. Not only women, by the way, but men also.

The great thing about the Monat products is that they are concentrated. A little goes a very long way. I only used about a nickel size when my hair was thick and long. Now, I use about a dime size. I dampen my hair and then apply my shampoo. I let it stay on my head during my entire shower time and rinse it last. The longer it stays on, the more it is working to grow, thicken, and renew your hair.

I am currently on a 6 month oral chemo regimen and have not lost a hair. YAY! I would seriously NEVER use another hair product. It is tested and contains only the best ingredients. To make sure it was safe for me, I asked my Medical Oncologist. Guess what her response was? YES, absolutely! She said it was a great product and company and to top it off….she told me that she used it as well.

Have questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. 

I want to help YOU achieve your hair 
renewal success story. 


Monat Partner: Patricia Harrod-Wyrosdick


After chemo and Before Monat

This "Then and Now" pic: "Then" was taken before cancer/chemo and the "Now" was taken after 1 month of using Monat. 

This pic is after 3 months of using Monat.
It shows how lush, thick, and healthy my hair is.


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