Devotional: Disciple Makers


We need to decide that if the mission of God is worth doing, then the obstacles in front of us are worth overcoming. Don't let anyone or anything get between you and the mission that Jesus the Christ has given you. So often we question our purpose...what is our purpose....we even pray that our purpose will be revealed to us. However, time and time again, our purpose has been revealed throughout the Scriptures. We are to be disciples who teach, make disciples, and baptize them. We teach and encourage them to do the same. That is how the body of Christ will grow exponentially. It started with Jesus and his apostles and that mission is to be carried out by each of us who are baptized followers of Jesus.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

We don’t have to wait on any group to join us, we don’t have to receive permission from an eldership….as women, we often wonder how our voice, our gifts can be used and we question our ability to be disciples. We don’t need to ask permission, nor should we question our personal ability, because Jesus has already told us, as individuals, to be His disciples and make disciples. We all need to understand something…..Jesus doesn’t recommend that we make disciples, He doesn’t recommend that this is good advice to make disciples….no….He gives us a command, a mandate. In John 20:21 Jesus is speaking, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

So often, we flounder around for years questioning our purpose on Earth and then doubting our abilities. I think if we could choose our last words on Earth, we would want them to be important and to have meaning….we would pick the words that meant the most to us. Jesus picked His last words and they boil down to this…I want YOU to go make disciples. We don’t get to pick our mission statement. Jesus has already picked it. He decided what our personal mission is. If we want to be obedient followers of Jesus….we must be disciple makers.


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