Update: Larry - September 30th

Our precious grands are being the perfect little doctors and nurse to their Big Daddy. Every afternoon they spend time with him...talking, caring for him, and trying to make him feel better. This afternoon, John Franklin, our oldest grandson (8 years old) helped Big Daddy with his walking. He followed behind him, giving support, through the basement, into the garage, and back to the downstairs bedroom. Our grands are so sweet, thoughtful, and loving. They cared for me in the same way during my chemo and radiation treatments and after my bilateral mastectomy. They are so full of compassion. So proud of them!

Larry’s leg that he had the vascular bypass surgery on is swollen twice it’s normal size....and so is his foot. The pics and video really don’t show the extreme degree of swelling. I am going to talk to Dr. Redd about it tomorrow. It literally looks like it is ready to pop. He is really struggling to walk. He has multiple incisions from the groin to lower calf with staples used rather than surgical thread. I changed his bandages yesterday and that has to be done every two days. He is not resting well at all during the night. He is having increased issues with his Prostate. I am calling tomorrow to schedule his follow-up appointment. He has to be able to have an MRI for his Prostate and his radiation mapping done on October 19th. He is scheduled to begin radiation treatments on October 24th. He is definitely stronger and we know he will get through this. Going through 3 vascular surgeries in less than a month is a lot, but he will continue to push through it and will come out on the other side of this journey much better. Thank you all for your continued prayers. ðŸ’ž


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