UPDATE: Larry - November 4, 2020

I have had several of you ask for an update on Larry. The past few days have been very hectic between starting radiation treatments, nurses coming, Wound Vac issues...and so on.

He is walking so well with the walker and he gets exercise going to treatment everyday, so his Physical Therapist decided that she wasn’t needed. We also decided not to use the Occupational Therapist as he is capable of doing all that they were going to help him with.

We have had ongoing issues with the Wound Vac having alerts day and night and it not working properly. If it doesn’t work, his leg doesn’t heal. Also, he has had only two full nights sleep since he came home from the hospital. And, when I say “full nights sleep,” it is still limited/restless sleep because of the pain in his leg.

Larry is weak and his emotions are elevated. It takes up much of the day just getting to radiation and back. He has had issues with his Prostate being in the right position for radiation; therefore, there are certain things he must do daily to try to help his Prostate be in the right field for radiation and that’s just more that he has to deal with.

Larry knew that he was very sick, but was not aware of the severity of his condition until we were leaving the hospital and on Monday when he went for his first radiation treatment. All of his doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, etc... told him before we left the hospital that when he first got there, they weren’t sure if he was going to make it. They fought to heal him every step of the way. Then, Dr. Salter, our Radiation Oncologist, told him Monday that she wasn’t sure that he would be around for treatment. She said, “From Septic Shock to here for treatments.” It’s been a tough journey for Larry and still is.

As some of you recall, he had 3 surgeries on his left leg within 10 days. Two of them failed and that is when he had to have the full leg bypass surgery. He had the bypass surgery on September 22nd. He has been suffering intense pain since he had surgery on his right leg...that cut almost all blood flow to his hips and right leg two years ago. And, one of his 6 aneurysms was stinted off at that time.

There are a lot of potential side-effects that come from all that he has been through...especially the Septic Shock...not to mention all the other health issues that he has and the things that are still ahead.

We will take it one day at a time. That’s all we can do. We pray for God’s intervention and miraculous healing. God has already showed us that He is right in the center and He has been watching over Larry and guiding his path.

We do plead for each of you to continue to blanket him with your prayers. They are needed for him physically and emotionally. Larry is walking through a dark valley, but he is not alone. He has a family who loves him and is caring for him. And, he has so many lifting him in prayer. You all are a precious gift! ðŸ’ž



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