Devotional: Last Days?

I look at the world ...on the news and social media...and yes, even in my own community. It is heartbreaking that people are more concerned with the COVID Pandemic or the rise and fall of elected officials than they are the cause of Christ.

Jesus is going to return! There will be no warnings. As we are told in the Scriptures, it will be as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24). People will be living their lives and the next second, the end will come.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t protect ourselves from harm, but how many of us are using our days reaching out to the lost attempting to snatch them out of satan’s grab? Yes, we are our brother’s keeper.

Jesus called those who are baptized believers to be His disciples. Yes....that is everyone of us who say we belong to Him. At judgment, will we be able to say that we took up the cross, discipled others by teaching them and baptizing them? (Matthew 28:18-20) Are we going to be able to say yes to the Matthew 25:31-46 text? Are we, individually, caring for the hungry, providing clothes, shelter, seeing after those in prison....taking care of the old, the young, and the poor? We aren’t going to be judged by what your church did. We are going to be questioned one-by-one how we answered His call to us.

People ask if we are living in the last days. Yes, we are and have been for 2,000+ years. Those in the First Century thought Jesus was coming back then and every generation since has had that same expectation.

The more serious question is....When Jesus returns, will I be ready?


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