UPDATE: Larry - September 25th & 26th

Update on Larry: September 25th

He has had another painful day; however, with pain medication he has had moments of relief. He still has the  catheter. It is causing its own issues, but he is still not able to have it removed. 

He walked 100 feet with Physical Therapy today. Dr.Redd found that some of his incisions were bleeding today so they replaced his bandages again.

To say he wants to come home is a huge understatement. We are praying that tomorrow his kidneys/bladder will function properly so he can come home. That problem is more associated with his recent Prostrate Cancer diagnoses. The surgery, however, did cause his Prostrate to enlarge even more. 

I keep passing all the comments, well-wishes, and prayers to him. It has really boosted him and filled his heart with thanksgiving to know that so many care. 

Continued prayers are great!



Update on Larry: September 26th

His pain level is much better. He is no longer on morphine, but is taking two pain pills every few hours. They take a bit longer to work, but also last longer. He did physical therapy today and walked further with his walker. 

His catheter has been removed and his bladder/kidneys seem to be working fine....he is on Flomax. He was also given a shot in his stomach this afternoon to help ward-off him getting a blood clot. 

There is a very good chance that he will be able to come home tomorrow. He is very excited about that possibility! 😊 With everyday we see improvement. Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏻 

Thank each of you for your comments and prayers. It has meant so much to both of us and our family. 💞



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