Update: Larry - October 2nd


Larry is still not getting much sleep. His leg and foot are just so swollen and he has very little appetite. He has been in a lot of pain today....combination of bypass surgery and his Prostate Cancer. I talked with Dr. Redd’s nurse, Hillary, yesterday and she talked to Dr. Redd. Larry has been having his leg propped up, but they said it has to go higher. Luckily I ordered him a new recliner a few days ago and it arrived today. 

The cadaver vessel has to learn/be trained how to carry blood flow both ways. Propping back and then adding pillows should help him elevate his foot higher. He has 4 incisions....two that aren’t seen in the photos, but the one in the calf is the most irritated. If the redness and swelling doesn’t improve, he might have to go to the doctor next week. Otherwise, his follow-up appointment will be on October 14th to get stitches out so he can get his Prostate MRI and radiation mapping done on October 19th. 

Dr. Redd warned us from the beginning that this would be a tough surgery and recovery and he was absolutely right.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.


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