
Showing posts from March, 2021

TEST RESULTS: Consultation with Dr. Bondly March 25, 2021

  Before I fell, went to ER next day, had CT Scans and the Scans showed something "concerning," I had been feeling like I had a weird crick in my neck. Also, after carrying a load of groceries in the house a while back....I was feeling a pain in my right side. I thought I was sleeping on my neck wrong....I thought I had pulled a muscle in my right side. I never fathomed what was really going on. When I fell, little did I know that it was a "God thing." The heavy box I was moving step by I went down the stairs backwards....was moving down fine; however, suddenly it was if it was lifted and pushed into me. My basement floor is stained concrete so when I realized what had happened, I was in shock. I "somehow" missed the door facing around the door that went from the landing at the bottom of the stairs and the basement. I hit so hard, yet, nothing was broken, cracked, or fractured. My children insisted on my going to the hospital ER the next day an

MRI's - March 19th and Bone Biopsies- March 22nd

On March 19th I had 4 MRI's....2 with non-contrast of my neck and lower spine/hip area. I had 2 with contrast dye of the same neck and lower spine/hip area.  I have bone biopsies into my hip Monday. They will also drill into my hip bone at three different depths.   I will go to Dr Bondly to get all tests results on Thursday, March 25th at 3:00pm.  Please continue to lift me and my family in your prayers. We really need them!  #Godisleading #prayerswork #blessedandthankful

March 17, 2021

Living on a prayer...and a prayer...and a prayer. Believing, trusting...pleading.  Praising You for all good....and You are so good! 🙌🏻 Amen! 🙏🏻

Quick Update on Larry and I - March 15, 2021

Quick update on Larry and I: Today Larry had a chest X-ray at the Bruno Cancer Center. Then, we left there at went to his appointment with Larry’s Cardio Surgeon. Everything checked out great. They are now going to be focusing more on his Carotid Arteries. They want to get more details which will mean more in-depth tests to see where he is with that situation. This Wednesday, he will see his Urologist. He will have a test to see where he stands with his Prostate Cancer. It will let us know if the Radiation Treatments worked. On our way home from the Cardio visit today, we received a call from his primary doctor, Dr. Tompkins in Luverne. Last week, Larry noticed blood and we had the Home Health Nurse take a urine specimen. The results are in and the specimen showed a bacteria, Klebsiella other words...another UTI. So, Larry is starting a new antibiotic...1 500mg pill per day for 10 days.  Wednesday, I am scheduled for two biopsies. This will let us know if my Bone Cancer

March 14, 2021 - GoFundMe

I want to thank our dear family friend, Amber Cutler, for setting-up this GoFundMe. Between mine and Larry’s health issues, it has and continues to be very difficult to keep up with the medical bills. So many have to be paid prior to receiving treatment. A gift of any amount will be a blessing.  Please continue to pray that my bone cancer will stop growing, that it will not spread, that the pain will subside, and a miracle will be mine. I need bold prayer Warriors to stand strong before His Throne for me.  Love you all! 💞 Link to GoFundMe:

March 13, 2021 - Walk By Faith!

Believe me....those words are easy to memorize and repeat; however, when your life hangs in the balance, reality puts a very different spin on it. To truly walk by faith is not is difficult and it is trying.  Jesus is my Savior. The Holy Spirit is my Comforter and Guide. God is leading my journey, He is still the Miracle Worker, and He is the Great Physician. I know that to be true because of my faith.  Yes, walking by faith is NOT easy, but it is what I continue to do. That will never change. I plead with all of you to lift my name before our Father for His gift of healing me.  So many of you have been my Prayer Warriors since September 10, 2018 and now the war is bigger and uglier. Love you all. 💞

I Don’t Understand! March 12, 2021


Prayer Warriors Needed! March 10, 2021

Thank you all so much for EVERY prayer lifted in my name before our Father. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. Thank you all for expressing your love for me when I need it most.  I love you all so much and I need everyone of you to walk boldly with me in this war that I’m about to wage.  It’s not going to be easy, but with your prayers and the Mighty Healing from the Great Physician, I can be blessed with many more years on this Earth.  I need your help....I need your prayers. I’m praying for a healing miracle that can only come from God.  PRAYER WARRIORS...put on your armor  and fight this war with me!  I love you all! 💞

March 9, 2021 - Results are in....

Been completing paperwork and now praying, sitting....waiting, praying.  Got vitals and bloodwork. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Just now leaving the Bruno Cancer Center. Will update later. All things are possible with God! He is stronger than any disease! Amen! Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏻 Well, it has been a very long and intense day. Got to the Bruno Cancer Center around 1:00 and got home around 5:30. My vitals and bloodwork were great! Dr. Bondly wanted to first discuss my fall on last Saturday before going over the CT Scan results and PET Scan results.  The PET Scan verified what the CT Scans showed, but only more extensively. All of my bones were “lit-up.” I have now moved from a Stage 3 Breast Cancer patient to a Stage 4 Breast Cancer patient. My cancer has now involved all of my bones. I will be having two Biopsies next week to determine if it is the same “type” cancer as my Breast Cancer. Then, I will have an MRI for my neck and an MRI for my lower spine. I will continue the pill I am on now that hel

Light in Darkness - March 9, 2021


My Hope....March 7, 2021


Be Still- March 6, 2021

God is Leading! He is Mighty!  He is Majestic! God is Powerful!  God is the Great Physician! God is El Shaddai!  God is our Holy Yahweh! He is our Elohim!  He is our Adonai! God is our Jehovah Jireh!  God is Omniscience!  He is Omnipresent!  God is Omnipotent!  God is my everything, He is my all and in all I say and do! He is my Leader and my Guide! Through Him, I am made strong! God is my Healer! Through Him I have been and will again be made new! Hallelujah and Praise God for all blessings that He blankets us with daily! Amen and Amen! 🙌🏻 Be Still.....He is God!

March 5, 2021 - PET Scan

PET Scan is over.    Praying so hard!!!    Pleading for God’s healing blessings to cover me!  #Godisleading #Godsgirlsarestrong #prayerworks #blessed #mypurposeisntover #ThankYouJesus

March 4, 2021

Tomorrow morning at 9:00am is my PET Scan. My preliminary CT Scans show a strong leaning toward me having cancer in several places along my spine. I am Pleading for your prayers! PLEASE lift my name before our Mighty Father, Holy Creator and Great Physician. He is still a God of miracles....and I need one. Thank y’all. 💞 #Godisleading #prayerworks #mypurposeisntover #blessed

PET Scan Scheduled - March 5, 2021

PET Scan scheduled for 9:00am Friday....March 5, 2021. Consultation 1:15pm Tuesday for results....March 9, 2021. Thank y’all for prayers! On bended knee.......All Praise, Honor, and Glory   goes to my Father. 🙌🏻

My Fall: February 28, 2021 UPDATE

We got home from the emergency room tonight around 7:30. I want to begin my post with a Praise God and Hallelujah! No matter our tests results, our diagnosis, or whatever might come….He is on the Throne looking down at His children with so much love for each of us. I am so blessed! I had several CT Scans and Xrays from my brain, to my back, my side, my neck, and even my right big toe. It is deemed that I have strained muscles in my neck and side. My neck is equivalent to a whiplash like people many times experience after an automobile accident. I have no cracks or breaks. Praise God! My big toe is black and blue, but it is sprained, not broken. I was given a prescription for pain medication and nausea medicine. Now, that was the great news… is the not so positive news. This is the “brief” version of the Radiology Report: Degenerative disc and facet changes are present at multiple levels. (This is from cancer and treatments.) There are numerous focal areas of lytic changes present

My Fall: February 28, 2021

I want to preface my post by saying I did something very very “stupid” yesterday! Yes, I am using the word stupid because that is the best word I know to describe my actions. Because of my breast cancer, chemo treatments, and radiation treatments I have been diagnosed with degenerative bone disease. I have already lost an inch in my height. My medical oncologist, Dr. Bondly, has told me that I have to be extremely careful because my bones are fragile and I can easily break one.  Well, yesterday I decided to move a very heavy box downstairs. I thought… OK this is not gonna be hard, I can just walk it down the stairs. Needless to say it didn’t work out the way I had envisioned it, mind you, the box was far bigger than the width of the stairs so I was having to be several steps down in front of it to try to walk it down.  Well, when I was about three or four steps from the bottom it decided to push me down and it did with full force. I landed on my right side and as I hit, I heard what I

By-Pass Surgery Completed - Larry 's Update: February 9th

 On February 9th, Larry had his bypass surgery. Although he had 4 major blocks, only two were able to be repaired. He had surgery on his left arm from elbow to wrist to retrieve an artery to be used and one was taken from the back of his heart.  Larry went through the surgery well, but has had a lot of severe pain. He gained 16 pounds of fluid. He eventually lost all but 3 pounds prior to leaving the hospital. He ended up having to be in the hospital 2 days in CISCU and 6 days on the cardiac floor.  He sees a home health nurse twice per week. He has now lost down to 194 pounds and his original weight was 208. He has started losing muscle mass, therefore, they are removing the Lasix. Please continue to lift Larry in your prayers.  God is Leading!