TEST RESULTS: Consultation with Dr. Bondly March 25, 2021


Before I fell, went to ER next day, had CT Scans and the Scans showed something "concerning," I had been feeling like I had a weird crick in my neck. Also, after carrying a load of groceries in the house a while back....I was feeling a pain in my right side. I thought I was sleeping on my neck wrong....I thought I had pulled a muscle in my right side. I never fathomed what was really going on.

When I fell, little did I know that it was a "God thing." The heavy box I was moving step by step.....as I went down the stairs backwards....was moving down fine; however, suddenly it was if it was lifted and pushed into me. My basement floor is stained concrete so when I realized what had happened, I was in shock. I "somehow" missed the door facing around the door that went from the landing at the bottom of the stairs and the basement. I hit so hard, yet, nothing was broken, cracked, or fractured. My children insisted on my going to the hospital ER the next day and it was there that everything would start to unfold. This was on Sunday, February 28th. I called Dr. Bondly and had a check-up and consultation set for March 5th. My CT Scans were immediately sent to her from the ER. Therefore, when I saw her on the 5th, she already had the MRI's and Biopsies arranged. Dr. Bondly said that from the CT Scans, she could see what appeared to be cancer lit-up all in my neck, spine, and hips. We needed the other tests for more detail and to verify if it was the same type cancer as my breast cancer or a secondary cancer. 

When I went to see Dr. Bondly on March 25th, Ashleigh went in with me and Michael sat on a bench in the entrance way of the building because they are still allowing only one visitor with a patient in the cancer area. The idea of Michael having to hear my results over a phone broke my heart, but there was nothing I could do to get them to change their minds.....believe me I tried. 

I first went and had my vitals and bloodwork done. Everything came back with good numbers. However, Dr. Bondly is one who does not play with her words. She is very precise, to the point, and shares on visible emotion. She said that my breast cancer has now gone to my bones. Therefore, I am Stage 4....there is no cure. The biopsies did show that my cancer is the same as my breast cancer, hormone/estrogen based. That is a positive as it means that I don't have a secondary cancer. 

How did this happen? There is no way to really know.  It could have happened from the double mastectomy itself. Sometimes mastectomies cause the cancer to spread. Since I had one lymph node that showed cancer in it....some cancer cells could have got through prior to the removal of the lymph nodes. With ER+ cancer, when it initially spreads, it goes to the bones or to the liver. 

Dr. Bondly started me immediately on a new regime for Metastatic Breast Cancer in the Bones. I will be taking three shots to begin with. One is Faslodex which I will take two shots, then the shots will be combined to one shot. These are given in the hips. Faslodex is a hormone therapy drug. It fights cancer as an "estrogen receptor down-regulator." I will also be taking a shot called Xgeva. It is classified as a "bone-modifying agent." These shots are given in my upper arm. I started on these shots March 25th. There are some side-effects to all medications and so far I'm suffering from insomnia, nausea, and neuropathy in both of my hands. 

Dr. Bondly had me on two types of calcium tablets (One Prescription and One non-Prescription to be taken twice per day) because of bone density issues that showed up in a bone scan last year which was caused from chemo. I had already lost an inch in my height. Little did we know that the cancer in my bones had been leaking calcium into my body. So, of course, now I am off of the calcium. I am not to consume any foods or use any products that contain calcium. Too much calcium in the body can cause one to go into a coma. Who knew? There is so much you learn when you have cancer. Take Vitamin C.....a small dose can feed cancer.....a larger dose can help kill the cells. Sugar feeds cancer....it goes on and on. 

According to statistics, Dr. Bondly said that I have between 2 to 2 1/2 years to live IF all goes well. It's not really IF, but WHEN, the cancer spreads to a vital organ, that will open up a whole different set of circumstances. Dr. Bondly immediately put me on palliative care by giving me pain medication and anxiety medication. Yes, I am in horrible pain right now and I'm sure I need the anxiety medication for now because this has not only been devastating to me, but also to my precious family.....but, I don't plan to stay where I am right now. She told me that nothing I could do would change my outcome. Dr. Bondly told me to go, enjoy my family while I take my treatments and enjoy my time. WHAT? It's just not going to work that way for me!  

That is 100% unacceptable to me!!!! 

Yes, doctors and medical research has their statistics, 

but those DO NOT have to be mine! 

I have an appointment on April 6th with my Radiation Oncologist. I might have some treatments to help relieve some of the pain I am having. Then, I will go back to Dr. Bondly on April 8th for shots. I will go again to Dr. Bondly on April 22nd for vitals, bloodwork, consultation, and more shot treatments. I will be on this treatment plan for 3 months. Then, we will have another PET Scan to see where I am. 

We are currently doing research to find other cancer centers that offer total body care. I want and need integrative, alternative treatment along with the medications. I know that what we consume can either help fuel cancer or it can help kill cancer cells and the spread. Therefore, I need a cancer nutritionist. I have put my health in the hands of Dr. Bondly for 2 1/2 years now, but the Bruno Cancer Center is very limited in what they can do. They do not offer integrative/alternative treatments, nutritionist, trials, etc. They simply offer medical treatments until the end; as a result, they are limited in what they can do for their patients. 

God continues to lead my journey! I will NOT give up and I will fight this horrific disease with all I have. I want to be here with my precious children and grands for as long as I can. My journey is not over and I am about to have another testimony of His Mighty Healing Powers!

A calm, a peace, is so difficult to attain for the cancer patient. You take treatments, you have test after test, you wait for answers never knowing what you will be told this time. Being a faith-filled believer doesn't take away our human thoughts, questions, and emotions. Praise God we have a loving Father who knows our weaknesses...our humanness. He created us with emotions and the desire for relationships. He knows the love we have for our families. We have a Savior Who covers us with His grace and mercy because we aren't and never will be perfect. It's ok to question. Its ok to get angry and to get upset. God can handle it. Why does He choose to intervene for some and not for others...none of us can answer that question. 

As so many always like to say....."God has a plan for your life." Yes, He has a "plan," but it's not about how long we live on this Earth. His plan, His desire, is that ALL will come to Him and live throughout eternity with Him. I don't believe the God I love ever wants to see His children suffer, but sometimes He doesn't intervene. 

I believe in miracles, God can answer our prayers, God can change His mind (but not His character), and He can heal us. He is our Almighty Father, our Compassionate, Loving Abba, our Great Physician and Holy Creator. God is ALL Powerful! I believe, YES, I believe....and when I am weak.....He knows my faith is still in Him.

Please, PLEASE call me out by name daily to our gracious and merciful Father. Please plead with Him to stop my cancer and put it in remission. I need this so much!

Please pray for my precious children and grands. They have walked every step of this journey with me and they are struggling with my new diagnoses. Please also continue to lift Larry in your prayers as he is dealing with a lot and not sure what is still in front of him.

"God is our refuge and strength, an 

ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

 If you would like to help in the expenses of my cancer journey, my GOFUNDME is below. 

Also, some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here to Donate to my GoFundMe


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