CANCER: Chemo Side-Effects Continue......

Some days are tough and some days spill-over to several days. I try not to let painful days slow me down, but occasionally they do. 

This week I have been dealing with joint and bone pain....severe back pain.....side-effect of chemo. I have a pill I take for this and I have also been taking Ibuprofen. Last night I got relief by rubbing CBD ointment on my back. 

Today, I sat with a heating pad on my back at the Kiker Casa. That did offer some relief. Also, I started back on this round of chemo last Saturday and by Wednesday....Hand-Foot Syndrome was back. It causes swelling, neuropathy, nerve and blood vessel issues. 

It hasn’t been an easy week, but through it blessings continue to flow. I never share the ugly of cancer for pity....but, I do want to share all sides of my journey. As I have said before, I believe I am healed of cancer, but the chemo just keeps attacking the good and the bad. 

I can deal with whatever I need to in order to fight off cancer once and for always. I have gone through the worst....the best is yet to come. Your prayers are treasures and God continues to lead my journey. 

Everyday is a new day and I am ready to face each one with courage. Everyday is a new chance, and I am ready to live with conviction. Everyday is a new opportunity, and I am ready to make the best choices. Everyday is a new possibility, and I am ready to face any obstacle. Everyday offers a new way of thinking, of walking, being, and doing. Everyday is a new day, and I am ready to live every moment and live it cancer FREE! Amen!

Thank you all for your love and continued prayers! They are a life-line, they give hope, they give healing, they are treasures. 

My Prayer for Each of You:

“May the Lord bless you and keep you; 
and may the Lord make
His face shine on you and be gracious to you.” 

Numbers 6:24-25

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


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