CANCER: Chemo Begins Again......

Today, I had an appointment with my Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, at the Bruno Cancer Center.

I have not been able to give blood through my port as it stopped working two visits ago. I have continued to have it flushed out, but it just would no longer give blood. Well, started giving blood again. I was so excited as I have had to have my port flushed and then have multiple vials of blood taken from my arm. So happy and thankful that it is working again.

The nurse told me that I had the blood pressure of a teenager today. That really made me feel awesome. I could not believe that it was 122/67. My heart rate was excellent as well. My oxygen levels are also staying high now so I am extremely thankful. 

My blood work all came back great today. I am continuing to take Vitamin D2 and I am also taking a pill once-a-day for bone and joint pain. I am really doing fantastic! I know that I honestly have my ups and downs with side-effects, but my situation could be so much worse. I consider myself extremely blessed.

I did have a physical check-up with Dr. Bondly along with a consultation. She checked my chest, scarring, healing, etc. She said that everything looks great and is progressing as it should. She felt that since my feet and hands are in the healing stage...peeling...that it will be okay for me to start the oral chemo again. I will, however, be taking a lower dosage. Dr. Bondly said that it should not hurt my percentage as long as we are consistent and keep moving forward taking it. Rather than taking 2,500 MG per day, I will now be taking 2,000 MG per day. That means that instead of taking 5 tablets in the morning and 5 tablets in the evening, I will now be taking 4 tablets in the morning and 4 tablets in the evening. 

So, tomorrow morning I will once again begin my oral chemo journey. I am positive about it and trust that I will fair better with this lower dosage. This last ordeal with Hand-Foot Syndrome, although painful, was nothing compared to what I experienced when I was on the chemo Taxotere. Therefore, if it doesn't get any worse....I'm okay. One of the problems with HFS is the negative side-effects that can go along with it and that can present some serious issues.

I told Dr. Bondly today that it is unreal what the human being has to deal with in this life. We never expect the bad to happen to us. We could not live happy lives if we lived with anticipation of the negative. We love and console the "others"....offer our help and our prayers. Then, one day we find that we are one of the "others." It is truly amazing the inner strength that comes forth with a bursting vengeance against anything that tries to destroy us. We will lift our heads, put on our armor, and we will forge ahead.

God has put within us a desire for life and a fight that naturally pushes us forward when we otherwise might not be able to do it alone. When we say we can't, He assures us that we can. My journey has been a whirlwind. From being diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer, port surgery, months of infused chemotherapy, double mastectomy, weeks of daily radiation, and now on oral chemotherapy for six months. Some days I think about it and it truly blows my mind what my life has looked like for almost a year now. Not only my life, but the lives of my children and grandchildren. They have walked this journey hand-in-hand with me and it has not been an easy path. 

It is with God, because of Jesus, through the power of His Holy Spirit that we stand strong and we move forward. Our faith is never wavering. We know that God has us, He loves us, and He walks this journey....going before and looking make sure all is going as it should. I have no fear, for He NEVER leaves me! I have been bought with a price....a very high price....and I belong to Him. He will never let me drop from His grip. 

Thank You my Abba, my Daddy. Thank You my Savior, Jesus. Thank You Most Holy Spirit Who leads the way and lives within. Amen and Amen!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. They are a gift like no other. From your mouths to the ears of God. How amazing is that! 

I Am Important!
I am God's workmanship!

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:10

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors

#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate all prayers more than my words can express.

  2. I praise God for your attitude, and your abundance of joy and appreciation. I continue to pray for you morning, noon and night - and probably more. You are my shining example of focus and faith. I love you so much.

    1. Awwww I love you my precious dear sister, Carole. You have walked every step of this journey with me. What a blessed prayer warrior you are! I thank you for every prayer you lift in my name before our Father. You have blessed my journey in so many ways. Very seldom does a true friend come our that we can share anything with and have no fear of it being repeated or critiqued harshly. I am so blessed that God put you in my life. Love you and I keep you in my prayers as well.

  3. Your love for the Lord is very strong. It is amazing!
    We get mad at God often in life because we just don't understand why God would allow this to happen to ME. I am so amazed at you Patricia, how the Word of God is so ablosute in your life. I feel like a whiner when I have seen how much God has done with you and your family. None of my pain can stand up to the journey you have been through and the things waiting around the corner in your journey. Thank you so much for your blog of your journey with cancer and your Faith in God. It has really helped me see my weakness and face them head on with my faith. As I pray for your earthly healing in Jesus' name, I pray you will be completely healed sooner than later and I pray Jesus will forgive me in the questioning of my life. Maybe your trials is just what was needed to kick start my life again. I love you my life long friend. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Wow....Diane, your words have really touched my heart. It is my prayers that my cancer battle will bring others to a closer relationship with our Father. If that is happening for you, I am so blessed to know this. God is never the blame for the bad in our life. He loves us more than any earthly person could love us. He is our Holy Creator, our Abba, our Heavenly Daddy. He wants only the best for us; however, we live in a fallen world and bad happens to good people. We aren't to focus on the earthly, but on eternity to come. Yes, that is much easier said than done. We love the here and now and I certainly want to be here with my precious family for many more years to come. I pray that I will be able to use this journey to its fullest by serving others and shining God's love, grace, and mercy. By the way, it's okay to question. He knows His creation and He knows our weaknesses. Asking questions can even help to strengthen our faith. God created us human....not robots....and He is the one who gave us the ability to be all we are. Trust in Him and resist satan. If you ever feel temptation, quote Scripture and tell satan to leave you in the Mighty Name of Jesus. He will flee you because He wants no part of God's power. Love you dear friend. Thank you for your continued prayers.

  4. Thank you for your strength and prayers! 💛


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