CANCER: Journey Continues......

August 23, 2019

Check-up, blood-work, and getting new round of chemo to start if all checks out ok. It is a rainy day in B’ham. We really need it!


Everything went great! My blood/work was all perfect. YAY! I start my next two weeks of chemo in the morning. With chemo you can experience joint and bone I take a pill each day that helps with that. This morning I did take it before I left because it can make me drowsy. Well, I am paying the price. 

By the time I got back home, my back was in extreme pain. I just took my pill along with two Ibuprofen. Hopefully that will ease the pain. 

I am so excited to keep moving forward with my chemo. Christmas is when I can celebrate no longer being on chemo. Praise God!


August 29, 2019

Yesterday, I could feel the Hand-Foot Syndrome coming back. My hands have been extremely swollen and now my feet are swelling more again. My hands and feet are both extremely sensitive to heat and cold. My hands are not as red as they are sensitive; however, my feet have already started to get red and difficult to walk. This is very disappointing as I just started my treatment on Saturday and today is Thursday. 

I pray it won't get worse or I will have to call my Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly. Since my chemo dose has already been lowered twice, I do not need to have it lowered again. Eventually the dose will be so low, it will not be able to do the job it is supposed to. Right now, I am taking 3 pills in the morning with a nausea pill and 3 pills in the evening with a nausea pill. I started out with 10 pills a day, then went to 8 pills per, 6 pills per day.

I know that all is going to be ok and that I am already cured of cancer. Just a few more months and I will be able to put this behind me. 

In less than 2 weeks, I will have been dealing with cancer for one year. It is so hard to believe, but so much has happened this past year. My life and the lives of my family has forever been changed. Even in the middle of the darkest storms, there have been so many blessings to shine through. 

God is leading and God is healing!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! I love y'all! 

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


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