Devotional: Look at Jesus

Our message is Jesus. It is not how “other” groups got it wrong. It’s not how “you’re a bad person.” Our message is Jesus. Often we point to the Bible and say, “this is the Word of God” and become experts on it so much so that we lose our focus and sight on Jesus. 

We fight and argue over everything. Individuals will get so wrapped up in….does this verse mean this or this verse mean that….they forget to love God and love each other, and that’s the message of Jesus…..that’s the Word of God. Look where the Bible is pointing and go there. 

Try to be Jesus where we are. Walk in the Light and He will purify us. 1 John 1:7 tells us that He continually purifies us with His blood. It was not a one and done. No, it is ongoing. 

God is where love is….walk there. Some people are hard to love, love them anyway. Don’t let the “other” voices get you out of the Garden. 

When Jesus took Peter, James, and John high up on a mountain….as we read in Mark 9, they were not alone. Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah were talking with Him. What did God say to Peter, James, and John? God said, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” If you get confused or are not sure what to do….just look at Jesus. 

Love God. Love each other. Look at Jesus. The Bible says that if we are baptized into Christ, immersed into Him….the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit come to live with us. You might not even feel They are there, but that’s okay. We aren’t saved by feelings. You now have power to look at Jesus, follow Jesus, walk with God, stay in the Garden, stay in the Light.



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