Christians: We are ONE in Jesus

Jesus comes....everything changes. In Christ our divisions are supposed to go away. Period! In Scripture, it is not just race that goes away, it is not just the slave and the free that is to go away, but also the division of male and female also goes away. Men and women submit to each other. (Ephesians 5:21) 

There is a great danger when we read Scripture that we will not rightly divide the word. We will take something targeted for one culture, for one tradition and bind it to all cultures and traditions for all times. Why would we grab one text out of Scripture to suit a particular tradition or bias....even when it means undoing an awful lot of other Scripture...and not grab everything? Yet, it is done all of the time. 

We need to deal honestly with Scripture, even when it might make us feel uncomfortable. What happened to us? We allowed a medieval church to take women out of the exalted place where God had put them and suppressed them. An example of this is when a Pope in the thirteenth century made an edict that restricted women in the church and further wanted to change the name and sex of the apostle Junia, a female, to a male. 

We have been set free and are one in Jesus; therefore, we must not be merely spectator Christians, but active in more participation. 

Be Blessed!

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28


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