CANCER: An Ongoing War......Side-Effects and More Side-Effects


God Listens and He Answers

Let me begin by saying....this is my personal blog as I am keeping a detailed record of my journey with cancer. However, I have chosen to share it with all of you. So, if it seems too much detail, or repetitive at time....please just skip over and keep reading. I want to be as accurate and detailed as possible because I know that once I am cured, much of the details will fade away. I have seen it happen with so many other cancer patients. 

Yes, I have cancer, but I am so blessed! My journey could be so much story could have an ending that is not as promising as mine. I see so many suffering much worse than many who will never be well again. My heart cries out for each one of them. My heart is especially broken for those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. I could NOT fathom walking this journey without Him beside me, before me, and after me. He completely surrounds me, showers me with His comfort, and blankets me with His peace. When fear creeps in....He is constant to remind me that He is here....right here. I thank God that He is making me well day by day and I thank God always for each of you who lift me in your prayers. Please also pray for others battling cancer and never forget to lift their families in your prayers. This war is so difficult for them. 

I started back on my chemo Saturday morning, August 3rd, and by Sunday morning I was having really severe stomach cramps. I went to church and as the day went on it didn’t stop. By Sunday night, I had an upset stomach and that continued about every hour and a half all through the night. It was almost non-stop. 

My Oncologist and Pharmacist told me to take Imodium and see how that works. However, that has no effect on my stomach pain. My sweet Ashleigh went to the store for me and got some liquids with electrolytes, smoothies with protein, and also frozen smoothies. So, hopefully I will not get dehydrated. I am trying to eat a bowl of grits right now so I can take, what should have been my morning dose, of chemo. Right now I just feel terrible. I HATE cancer!!! I pray this will soon pass. I know it will. Love y’all. 💗

Monday Evening Update: Thank you all for your prayers and concern. I have continued to be sick all day and have spent most of the day in bed except when I was going to the bathroom. This is not nausea, but diarrhea. It is a very common side effect of chemo and I do experience it quite often, but not to this magnitude. My Oncologist asks me every time I go for a consult if I have experienced this and each time I have been able to tell her that it was controllable. However, if I don’t get some relief from the stomach pain and diarrhea by tomorrow, I will give her a call. It is just part of my journey with cancer. I know I will get past this; however, for now it is a struggle. I am a strong warrior...protected by my Father. I will be ok. Love y’all. 

Today, is Tuesday. My stomach is much better than it was the past two days. Not 100%, but much better. Praise God! I am continuing to take the Imodium, drink electrolyte infused water, eat bananas, and drink protein enhanced smoothies. Michael has also been cooking foods for me that will not upset my stomach.

As soon as the chemo got into my system, I started to feel the Hand-Foot Syndrome returning. It usually begins with an inward burning before it surfaces on the skin. I still have peeling from my last episode. When I had to take a break from the chemo because of the HFS two weeks ago, it gave my hands and feet a chance to start healing and peeling. I have pictures below of what they look like today. Not nearly as bad as I have experienced in the past, but has the potential of getting worse for sure. 

However, by Sunday I could already feel its return. My hands and feet become extremely sensitive to heat and cold. They become very red and burn. It is difficult to explain all of the feelings that go along with it. At times, the tips of my fingers and toes will feel numb, yet they are still sensitive to pain. The feeling I have from touching....say a person's arm....does not feel odd to them, but to me, the texture is strange. 

I have questioned my Oncologist and my Surgeon several times why they seem to "over-kill" the cancer. I have had months of infused chemo, double mastectomy, daily radiation for six weeks, now on oral chemo for six months and that will be followed by a hormone suppression pill for at least 10 years. I have wondered at what point am I considered ok. 

My Surgeon, Medical Oncologist, and Radiation Oncologist have explained some of the reasoning behind such intense and aggressive treatment. In addition, last night I read a detailed study from a renowned Oncologist who reiterated what my doctors had said to me. When a person has cancer, most likely some of the cancer has already ventured out into the body by the time it is found. It, however, is small, residual cancer and is undetectable on a Pet Scan. A cancer spot must be over one centimeter in size to be picked up on the scan. Therefore, there can be cancer in the body that doesn't show up.....and there usually is. Quite often, it stays dormant in areas like bone marrow. 

That is why the battle is so fierce! Actually, it really is a war! I am so blessed and so thankful to be one those with cancer who has a great hope and chance of cancer not returning. I am taking this chemo pill in order to give me a 5% additional chance that my cancer will NOT return. In addition, since my cancer is hormone/estrogen based....I will be taking a hormone suppression pill for 10 years to life. This daily pill with give me a 50% chance that my cancer will not return.

With the infused chemo, double mastectomy, radiation, oral chemo, and hormone suppression pill.....I still have a 20% chance that my cancer will return. We, cancer patients, can also increase our survival rate by changing our diets. There are many foods that we should not eat and many foods that are cancer fighting foods and herbs that we should add to our diet. 

The American Cancer Society suggest that women, especially with hormone based cancer to use dairy products with caution. Also, my Oncologist...not knowing if I drank alcohol or not...said that a female with breast cancer should not consume more than an 8 ounce glass of wine or one beer per month. Actually, drinking alcohol increases a woman's chances of getting breast cancer if she doesn't already have it. 

From the American Cancer Society:
Breast cancer: Even a few drinks a week is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer in women. ... Alcohol can also raise estrogen levels in the body, which may explain some of the increased risk. Cutting back on alcohol may be an important way for many women to lower their risk of breast cancer."

"Pray without ceasing, let your love illumine the skies.
That the darkness of man may drop away
And only the light of God show through.
Pray unto the Holy, with all your heart and soul
Pray for the shining light of guidance
That your path may be glorious with love."
St. Augustine

"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit."
 Psalm 34:17-18

I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. He is leading and He is healing. Love y'all!

Help Fight Cancer With What You Consume:

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

GoFundMe Account:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus

Pictures Below: August 6, 2019

Side-effects to cancer treatments can be relentless. I started back on the chemo Saturday and by Sunday I could already feel the Hand-Foot Syndrome coming back. By yesterday it was red, painful and my feet and hands are extremely swollen. This morning I seem to have neuropathy in my left hand. It is numb and I can’t get the feeling back. Guess I will have to give my Oncologist a call. Please pray for relief. 😢

I just received a call back from my Oncologist office at the Bruno Cancer Center. As I already knew, there is no quick fix for the neuropathy in my left hand or with my Hand-Foot Syndrome. Once again, she has taken me off the chemo. I will be off for three days. Then, on Saturday I will start back, but also again with a lower dosage. My daily dose will be lowered to 6 chemo pills daily. I will take three in the morning and three in the evening. I started out with a dose of 2500MG per day, then because of Hand-Foot my dose was lowered to 2,000MG per day. Now, I will start back at 1,500MG per day. I want the extra 5% that this chemo is suppose to provide, but not at the cost of other serious issues. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Love y’all! 💗

Photos - August 7, 2019


  1. Continue lifting you by name to our heavenly Father. And always in agreement that you will be headed by His merciful hand. Giving God all the glory. In Jesus name. Amen

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog and for lifting me in your prayers by name before our Father. I appreciate each and every prayer with all my heart.

  2. So if all this treatment and pills gives you a 20% chance of cancer returning, that means you have 80% that cancer will not return? Oh I pray oh Lord.🙏

    1. Absolutely! And with diet change, I believe I can lower it to 10%. Plus...with Hod I have a 100% earthly cure. Love you.

  3. Praying, of course. Glad that the stomach issue is improving. I cannot even imagine the suffering you have had to endure, and you have done it so well. I am with you always, in love, thought and prayers. 🙏 🙏

    1. Thank you so much, my dear Carole. I feel like such a complainer when I describe what I am experiencing; however, I want to document it. I don't ever like to sound "down" as I am a very upbeat person, but this cancer and the medications have kicked my butt a few times. Every time God pulls me back up, dust me off, and gets me ready for the next round. I am so blessed. Love you.


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