Devotional: Trusting Jesus in the Boat......

Will you trust in Jesus when you are in a boat tossing around in the middle of a fierce storm? What about when the waves crash over and weigh you down in the boat and you feel it is about to sink? You were trying desperately to rise above the waves, but now they have started to consume and what you were managing or striving to keep afloat, now isn't. 

It is frightening when we no longer can feel solid ground beneath our feet. We all struggle with that "something" that can..and often does...take us to the breaking point. What do we do then? We aren't sure how to deal with this, where are we going, how do we change the direction of where we are headed. Some have to live with a constant of having to correct where we are headed because the seas of life seem to always be tossing us about as we strive to avoid the rocks. 

Will you trust Jesus? Do you trust Jesus..not only in the calm of life, but when you feel yourself sinking beneath? He is always present for us, but we must be willing to come to Him. Faith isn't easy! People often toss the word "faith" around as if it is such a simple thing to truly take hold of and allow to control our journey. Faith is not a complacent word, but a word that is bolstered with action. It’s not, but it is necessary to be in a relationship with Jesus. 

He will not make the decisions and changes that need to be made unless we come to Him and ask. Praying for all who feel weighted down.....there is Hope and His Name is Jesus.



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