
Showing posts from February, 2019

CANCER: Taxotere Chemo Damage - Pulmonary Visit Update

This morning I went to the Birmingham Pulmonary Group and met with Dr. Jason Fain. I had some tests and I showed improvement over where I was a month ago. Dr. Fain has cleared me for my bilateral mastectomy . However, I am not cleared for the additional reconstruction surgery. It would just make the surgery too long as it would run 6 to 7 hours and that is too risky. In addition, I would have to be on a ventilator for approximately two days and my hospital stay would be much longer. Therefore, if I choose to do the bilateral reconstruction, it will be a separate surgery in the future. My main focus remains....achieving a complete earthly healing and putting this cancer journey behind me. The physical, mental, and emotional aspects of cancer I want to be able to put behind me; however, my testimony moving forward will be a monumental part of my life as I share my story, serve God the glory always. Since I am having to cancel my appointment tomorrow with the

CANCER: Serious Discussion and Praise God Moment!

Today, I had a follow-up consultation with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas. After my last visit, I realized that there was several things that needed to be discussed further and that included the possibility of reconstructive surgery. I felt like I had closed the door to that option before I even really looked into it, with me specifically in mind, and not allowing other's experiences to weigh so heavily on my decision making.  Well, we had a serious discussion about my options today. Some things weren't brought out last week when we met because I had told her that I was 100% sure that I did not want reconstruction. If reconstruction was taken out of the mix, then I can only surmise that Dr. Thomas deduced that she had no need to address some more detailed specifics with me. However, now that I told her I was going to examine that option....she had additional information that she needed to go over with me.  Just as my Oncologist, Dr. Cara Bondly, had originally told

CANCER: Little By Little....My Life is Returning!

There have been a lot of negatives along the way from chemo treatments, however, one of the worst… and one of the things that we often take for granted… is taste of food. It either tasted horrible, it had no taste at all, or it was so painful that I could not bear to eat. One food group that I absolutely love is salad. Today, Michael and I ordered pizza from an awesome family owned restaurant in Moody, Carpenetti's Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria. I have not been able to eat it or enjoy it since I started chemo. So, I thought I would really go out on a limb today and also make a small salad to go with it. Guess what!?!   I am dancing a HAPPY DANCE!!!! Join me in my CELEBRATION!  I can taste both and they both taste awesome!!!!!! I am SO EXCITED ! It has been months since I could eat and enjoy my food. Believe me, it is no small blessing! All of you who have been on chemo...and have had this experience...know exactly what I am talking about.  Thank You God !  M

CANCER: Have eyes to SEE!

We "humans" have a natural instinct to look at the "outside" and often cast some degree of judgment without ever digging a little deeper to see what inside the cover might reveal. There is even a saying that goes like this, "You can't judge a book by its cover!" Well, that is a very true statement and certainly does not just apply to books.  We see the scars of alcoholism, the abuse of drugs as its ravaged marks are left behind, sickness and disease, we see brokenness, heartbreak, and stress that have covered a face with wrinkles, we see the out-of-shape body and question..."why don't they just lose weight"....when we don't know the reason behind the why.....on and on. Sometimes the cover doesn't look very appealing, but we must have eyes to see. See what? See what lies beneath the outward shell that life has weathered and torn.  Having gone through the past five months after being diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer, I fee

CANCER: Reconstruction or No Reconstruction - Asking For Prayers

I had 100% made a decision that I would not have reconstructive surgery after my double mastectomy. I made my decision based on YouTube videos, clicking on Google for information, and receiving "hearsay" testimonies from lady's experiences....most of whom I don't even know personally.  When I had a consultation and brief exam with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas, last week I told her very confidently that I did not want reconstruction. I noticed her face have a "look," but I didn't question her as to what it meant. I did not even afford her the opportunity for open discussion about my decision. I believe she heard my strong "No" to reconstruction and did not want to impose her thoughts or suggestions on me. Now, I am questioning if shutting her down before having open dialogue about me, my case, my options....I might have done myself a disservice. Everyone's case is not the same with cancer and I am sure that holds true with recons

CANCER: Answering the Question....What does "No Active Disease" on a PET Scan mean?

I have had several people ask about my PET Scan showing "No Active Cancer" and if that meant I do not have to go forward with surgery. So, I decided to explain a little further what this means. I had to have a PET Scan after being diagnosed with cancer to see if it had spread and exactly what we were looking at prior to setting forth a medical plan for healing. Now that I have completed all of my scheduled chemo treatments, I had another PET Scan to see if the chemo did its job. To read a PET Scan and have it show "No Active Disease - No Cancer means that any residual cancer left behind is less than one (1) centimeter in size. Yes, it shows "clear" however, there is, in reality...residual cancer left. Therefore, IF we did not continue with my medical treatment plan that has been put in cancer would quickly be full-blown again and would spread. This takes absolutely NOTHING away from the PRAISE GOD report that I received from Oncology. This

CANCER: NO Active Disease...NO Cancer!!!

I have experienced almost every negative side-effect that chemo could give a person. Now, my fingernails and toenails are falling off! Now, I am having to sleep with oxygen, but these things will pass....just like all the other painful and trying negatives I have experienced. God has gone before me so far and I know He will continue to lead my journey to a complete earthly healing! Amen! Every negative experience related to chemo over the past 5 months has been worth the words I just received! My Oncologist, Dr Bondly, just called and said my PET Scan showed NO SIGN OF DISEASE! No cancer!!!! I have ZERO active cancer in my body!!! NO CANCER! ..... SUCH BEAUTIFUL WORDS! My face is covered in happy and thankful tears!!! Thank You God! Thank You Jesus! I was with my children (except Joey) and grandchildren today when I got the call from Oncology with my results. My precious John and Jack got so excited when they heard their MiMi is cancer FREE! They started to dance and say.


Praise God Report: NO HEART DAMAGE FROM CHEMO!!!!! My ECHO results are in and all looks good. My heart is a "good pumping heart" with no signs or markers of anything out of the norm. I did have a bit of fluid, but such a small is not an issue. Being healed has never been a question in my mind. This journey is for a greater purpose....something much bigger than me. I am so excited about what is ahead in my faith walk as I use this cancer experience for His glory and the good and encouragement of others. Amen!  Praise God! So excited!  Taking one more step forward toward wellness! Thank you Jesus!  Prayers are awesome! I am so thankful....I am so very blessed!  God is leading! God is healing! Thank you my faith-filled Prayer Warriors! "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24  #GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMast

CANCER: ....And New Hair Growth

I am SO EXCITED.....and I have to show y'all why!  I have tiny peach fuzz hair all over my head!!! YAY! That is a really huge deal for someone who has been bald for a few months now.  The last chemo that I was on, Taxotere, that has given me so many negative/ugly side-effects, has a class-action lawsuit against it because so many patients who were on it never had hair growth after their treatments. I never doubted that my hair would come back, but it is great to see it creeping through. I am thankful for all blessings in this journey as I continue to move forward toward a complete earthly recovery. Amen! God is leading! " And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:30 #GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve #BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors #BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  #GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #G

CANCER: Low Platelets and Answered Prayer.....

Prayer Request:  I have been experiencing low platelets for about 6 weeks now....after I started the chemo drug, Taxotere. I noticed a couple days ago the red splotches on my arms and hands getting worse. Low platelets means your bone marrow is not making sufficient red blood cells. It also causes blood not to clot properly. This can be potentially very serious. With my surgery scheduled for March 5th, I have to get this in control. I have a call into my Oncologist, Dr Bondly. I hope she will bri ng me in tomorrow for bloodwork. I have to be at St Vincent’s Main at 9:30 for a 10:00 ECHO appointment.  I am sure that I will be just fine, however, I have learned that you cannot just let things go and you have to be very proactive in your care. I have lost all hydration in my skin and am also praying that will return now that chemo is over. Please pray that this is nothing serious. Thank y’all! *****************************************************************************

CANCER: Mommy and Son....Conversation & Prayers of a Child

John Franklin has such a loving, compassionate heart. His love and his emotions are so deep for such a young fella. He has been praying for me since I was first diagnosed with cancer. His way of expressing what’s on his heart continues to amaze me. His precious words well up emotion in me and I can’t help but shed a few tears. He is God’s precious child and I am so proud this little 6 year old is my grandson. He is a testimony to the way his parents are rearing him. Every time he sees me, he asks how I’m is my cancer. He isn’t satisfied with “fluffy” answers because he wants to know how he can best pray for his MiMi. My heart is so full! I love my John Franklin so much!!! John, your prayers are helping to heal your MiMi so keep praying your sweet prayers.  💗 ***I am sharing a post that Ashleigh, my daughter, shared on Facebook.*** (Matthew 18:3-4) - Jesus was responding to the disciples and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you wil