CANCER: Turning the Page....From Chemo to Double Mastectomy Surgery

Since January 23rd was my last scheduled chemo treatment.....I have to pause and "Praise God", it is time to start moving forward to the next phase in my cancer journey.

Today, I had an appointment with my Breast Cancer Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas. She is a graduate of several universities, including Yale University, and she is "Hidden Scar Certified." Dr. Thomas is one of three Breast Care Specialist in Birmingham. She is a Christian and I feel so blessed to have her as my surgeon.

Dr. Thomas did an exam and said that everything looked great. She even went on to say that she couldn't even see the tumor anymore and that is amazing in itself. Prior to having surgery, she wants to make sure that I am far enough out from chemo treatments that most of the effects will have dissipated. 

I have an appointment Friday, February 8th, at the St. Vincent's Hospital Main to have another ECHO. (It was scheduled for the7th, but that is my granddaughter's 2nd birthday.) My Pulmonary Specialist, Dr. Jason Fain, wants to have my heart checked again to make sure that the chemo treatments have not damaged my heart. He said that my oxygen levels could be low, in addition to the Pneumonitis, if my heart has been damaged. On Monday, February 11th, I have a PET Scan scheduled at the Bruno Cancer Center. If all looks okay with my PET Scan results, I will be called by my Oncologist with the results; otherwise, Dr. Bondly will call me in for a consultation. On February 26th, I am scheduled to go back to the Pulmonary Group to be tested again for low oxygen levels. If all is okay, I will be approved to go ahead with surgery.

Pending all of the above going as planned, I will have pre-op screening on February 28th. If those results are okay, I am scheduled to have my double mastectomy on March 5th. There are a lot of.....well, if this is okay, we will move on to this...and so on. I am not anticipating any issues that will change our plan to complete recovery from cancer.

After surgery, I will have to go through a time of recovery and healing before I can move on to radiation. And, then after 30 rounds of radiation....if all is okay, I will move on to the 5 year chemo pill.

I am so looking forward to serving God through serving others in ways that were never relate-able to me before. I have so much hope to share with others as I can now give personal testimony as to how very intimately God has walked with me in this journey. 

In John 10:10 Jesus says, "The thief, satan, comes only to steal and kill and destroy." Then Jesus continues...."I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Jesus continues in John 10:11 to say, " I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." What a serious, frightening word picture that Jesus paints in the first half of verse 10! If that is where His message stopped.....where would we find hope? But then comes the place where we can breathe in His follow-up words. Satan's plans are thwarted because JESUS CAME! He laid down His life and satan has zero control over anything unless he is "allowed" to do so. I believe with all of my being that the harm satan meant for me is being overcome by a life....a more abundant life from Jesus. He is fashioning me, forging me into my best me. 

Cancer is of satan....there is nothing pretty about it! Nothing good or life-giving about it! However, all through this journey so far, God, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit have blessed me, given me opportunities to serve others and minister to others. God can and does take what satan means for our harm and turns it into good that will glorify Him.

I am SO EXCITED about what is ahead! God is leading! God is healing! God is making me better than ever!

Everything is, of course, very tentative at this point. That is where ALL OF YOU come in! 

Please lift me, by name, every step of the way. Please cover me in your prayers before our Father as you plead for no complications and that we will be able to stay on track. 

If all goes according to the plan that is laid out......I should be doing GREAT by Summer! YAY!  



Love You All! 

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. I am praying (along with so many others,) that everything goes according to the schedule. Nothing is written in stone unless God writes it, so we know there may be variables. But I am praying that there will be no delays needed.

    I m praying for YOU, for your heart, for your lungs, and for “good news PET Scans" to deliver the very best news to you. I am so glad that the worst is over. I think you are going to get through surgery just fine. By the end of March you should feel so much better. Surgery will be behind you and the surgical pain should have dwindled way down.

    With spring will come hope and renewal, and then a warm summer to relax, and get some energy back. I am so thankful for you. ❤

  2. Thank you dear friend! Reading how you wrote about Spring and is almost as if I can feel it already. I am anticipating the Summer as a marker for my fresh, new beginning. I know that everything that has been a slight set-back has been very temporary and I have continued to move forward in this journey. You are definitely one of my greatest prayer warriors! I appreciate you sharing my story with your ladies class and congregation as they have joined in prayer for me as well. That means more than I can say in words. Love you!

  3. Patricia, you have so many prayers going up for your complete healing of cancer through your doctors and your complete faith in Jesus. God is healing and teaching you during your fight with cancer. We are all touched by your wonderful faith. God is answering!!!

    1. Thank you sweet friend. I look forward to continuing to move forward in this journey toward a complete earthly healing. God is leading and He is healing. I appreciate so much everyone who is walking this journey with me and who are faithfully lifting me in daily prayer.....and you are one of those people. Love you. 💗


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