CANCER: Answering the Question....What does "No Active Disease" on a PET Scan mean?

I have had several people ask about my PET Scan showing "No Active Cancer" and if that meant I do not have to go forward with surgery. So, I decided to explain a little further what this means.

I had to have a PET Scan after being diagnosed with cancer to see if it had spread and exactly what we were looking at prior to setting forth a medical plan for healing. Now that I have completed all of my scheduled chemo treatments, I had another PET Scan to see if the chemo did its job.

To read a PET Scan and have it show "No Active Disease - No Cancer means that any residual cancer left behind is less than one (1) centimeter in size. Yes, it shows "clear" however, there is, in reality...residual cancer left. Therefore, IF we did not continue with my medical treatment plan that has been put in cancer would quickly be full-blown again and would spread.

This takes absolutely NOTHING away from the PRAISE GOD report that I received from Oncology. This is a HUGE positive. Without this "clear" report....I could not move forward. God IS healing and chemo did its job. 

As a result of this, I am still scheduled to see the Pulmonary Specialist again on February 26th to have my lungs tested again. On February 28th, I will go to St. Vincent's Hospital for pre-op. Then, if all checks-out ok, I am scheduled for my double mastectomy on March 5th.

I will leave the hospital with drain tubes and bags attached to collect fluid from my chest. These will have to be emptied regularly and will remain in me for 2 to 3 weeks….depending on how much drainage I have. This will also be part of my recovery time as I will be healing from the surgery. I do not plan to have reconstruction; however, I have decided to have a consultation with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas, on February 20th. I just started to having second thoughts about making such a permanent decision without knowing all of my options. 

After I am healed from the surgery, I will begin 30 rounds of radiation.

After the 30 rounds of radiation treatments, I will begin an oral chemo pill. I am scheduled to be on the chemo pill for 5 years. It carries with it several possible…and some very dangerous side-effects…however, if this is the best option to heal me, then, that is what I will have to do.

Why so much after getting an “all clear” from a PET Scan? Because as I stated earlier, there is still live residual cancer in me. Cancer is very VERY difficult to destroy. It is sly and sometimes very aggressive. It can grow, move, and spread and then your whole journey to wellness scenario changes. Every step must be completed to have the greatest chance for a complete cure. Even at its best…..all cancers have a percentage of re-occurrence.

Having said that….I do not and will not live within the borders of man's “percentages!” I love, serve, and worship a God Who is bigger than cancer….bigger and greater than anything or anyone else. My faith, my trust, and my confidence is in Him and His ability to completely heal me with an earthly healing 100%!

He is the Great Physician, our Holy Creator, Mighty God, Miracle Healer, and Father of us All! Amen!

My hope is in nothing less than God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.

The above explains why continued prayer is so important….not only for me, but for everyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer. It is not a sprint or a race….it is a long walk….a journey with many twisting paths and sometimes we are forced to veer off course temporarily; however, YOUR prayers are SO POWERFUL! God is listening and He is answering!

Please continue to lift me by name….along with others you know who are suffering with cancer! I completely believe that my faith-filled Prayer Warriors are praying me to wellness....and my 4 and 6 year old grandsons, Jack and John are at the forefront with lifting their MiMi before God!

God is leading….and where He leads, I will follow!
Each of you who are walking this cancer journey with me, who encourage me, make me laugh, cry with me, pray with me and for me….You will never realize the impact you are having in my life.

Sometimes we must walk through fire and I know that God is working a mighty work within me. He is forging me to be more than I could have ever been without the testimony that is going to follow my healing. Cancer is NOT a blessing, but oh the blessings I have received while in this journey…simply amazing and breathtaking!

To God be all honor and glory! I WILL be His living testimony! Amen!

I love you all!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  #GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Thank you so much for explaining the "active cancer" and how it works to destroy. I am with you all the way. I will always continue to encourage you and pray for you and those you love. To God be all the glory

  2. Thank you sweet sister friend. It didn't cross my mind when I was writing my original post about my PET Scan results that some people wouldn't understand what that meant. Some thought that I was done....cancer free and didn't have to do anything else. If it were only that simple! However, unless you are personally familiar with cancer, testing, and how it all might not have a clear picture. I trust that through God's healing and His directing my medical professionals that I am going to be completely earthly healed; however, I also know that I have to follow my treatment plan all the way through. I know you are faithfully walking this journey with me and I am so thankful and blessed by your friendship, sistership, and by your being a big-time prayer warrior! Love you!

  3. Thanks so much for explaing your future treatment.
    That was one of my questions. I was going to ask you about the double mastectomy. I would have mine cut off in a heart beat to help cancer from coming back. Praying for you daily my sweet friend. God, in the name of Jesus, please stay with Patricia on this journey of complete healing. Amen!

    1. You are very welcome and thank you for reading my blog. Having a double mastectomy is not an option for me if I want a chance at a full, complete recovery. I appreciate your prayers so much for your continued encouragement. Love you.


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