CANCER: Reconstruction or No Reconstruction - Asking For Prayers

I had 100% made a decision that I would not have reconstructive surgery after my double mastectomy. I made my decision based on YouTube videos, clicking on Google for information, and receiving "hearsay" testimonies from lady's experiences....most of whom I don't even know personally. 

When I had a consultation and brief exam with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas, last week I told her very confidently that I did not want reconstruction. I noticed her face have a "look," but I didn't question her as to what it meant. I did not even afford her the opportunity for open discussion about my decision. I believe she heard my strong "No" to reconstruction and did not want to impose her thoughts or suggestions on me.

Now, I am questioning if shutting her down before having open dialogue about me, my case, my options....I might have done myself a disservice. Everyone's case is not the same with cancer and I am sure that holds true with reconstruction as well. I have just heard of so much pain relating to the expanders and so many surgeries relating to getting the implants in from beginning to the end result. At my age, I just didn't feel I wanted to go through all of that. Not to mention, it will mean at least a year of extended surgeries and recovery time. If I have reconstruction, I will still have to have mammograms...and that opens up a new set of issues with the implants. I also have to consider how my recovery with the additional plastic surgery will or will not effect my radiation treatments. So much to consider.

Also, last week God started moving in me and speaking to me. I had not allowed Him to lead in this decision....not in the same way I have for the past five months in my cancer journey. And, this is such a HUGE life changing decision. Was I not trusting Him enough to get me through the reconstruction process just like He has everything else thus far? I became very convicted that I needed to go back to my Breast Surgeon and give her a chance to present my options to me. 

So, now that I am giving this a second look, I have set-up a consultation with my surgeon on Wednesday morning, February 20th. If I choose to look further at reconstruction, I will be assigned a Certified Plastic Surgeon to be in the surgical unit to take over immediately after Dr. Thomas has completed the mastectomy portion. That means, I will also have to get a consultation scheduled with the Plastic Surgeon to meet each other and go over my options prior to surgery. That also might delay or change my surgery date and then Dr. Thomas and the Plastic Surgeon will have to get their schedules aligned. 

If you have gone through this experience, I would love to hear from you….Whether your experience was good or bad and if you had the opportunity would you do it again or not.  If you would like to share, please leave your comments below OR please private message me on Facebook.

God is leading and I know He will guide me to making the best choice for me. 

Thank you all for walking this journey with me and most importantly for your continued prayers. 

Love you all!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  #GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer

#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Hey Patricia I would not have reconstruntion surgery at all cause I didn't so I only have one breast so I'm doing good.without mine love u my sister in Christ.still praying for you

    1. Hi Lynn,
      Thank you for reading and commenting. If I were only having one removed, I would definitely have the mastectomy in order to be equal and have my clothes fit better. However, that is also a personal choice. With both being removed, at least I have the option to leave both flat or have equal implants in both. I have been told that prosthetics can be weighty and not that much fun to carry around on the front of your chest. There are a lot of opinions and there are some options. I pray that God will lead me to making the right and best decision for me. I know He will because He has been leading me in my cancer journey so far and I know that is not going to change. Love you.


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