CANCER: Serious Discussion and Praise God Moment!

Today, I had a follow-up consultation with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas. After my last visit, I realized that there was several things that needed to be discussed further and that included the possibility of reconstructive surgery. I felt like I had closed the door to that option before I even really looked into it, with me specifically in mind, and not allowing other's experiences to weigh so heavily on my decision making. 

Well, we had a serious discussion about my options today. Some things weren't brought out last week when we met because I had told her that I was 100% sure that I did not want reconstruction. If reconstruction was taken out of the mix, then I can only surmise that Dr. Thomas deduced that she had no need to address some more detailed specifics with me. However, now that I told her I was going to examine that option....she had additional information that she needed to go over with me. 

Just as my Oncologist, Dr. Cara Bondly, had originally told me when she realized that I was having a lung/oxygen issue....Dr. Thomas also today voiced her concerns regarding me being put under anesthesia. My double mastectomy will take approximately 2 1/2 to 3 hours. If I have reconstruction, it will a minimum...another 3 hours. That would mean me having to be on a ventilator for 6 or more hours. Dr Thomas said that I did not come this far through my chemo treatments, etc. for her to lose me on the operating table because of lung/oxygen issues! That was definitely an eye-opener!

We discussed recovery times for with and without reconstruction. If I do not have reconstruction, I should be recovered in 4 weeks. If I do have reconstruction, it will be a year long process. I will have to have more than one surgery. The expanders "muscle stretchers" would be placed behind the muscle and then the saline pouches would be placed behind them later. However, that is a step-by-step process and as I's not a fast recovery. Also, I will need to start my radiation treatments, if possible, one month out from surgery. 

Dr. Thomas had her scheduling nurse go ahead and set me up with an appointment with a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Stephen R. Steinmetz, of Steinmetz Plastic Surgery. The appointment is set for February 27th. She thought that since I came to see her today with reconstruction in mind that it might be good for me to talk to Dr. Steinmetz and get the full picture of what reconstruction would entail. 

She said that one or both surgeries would depend on clearance from my Pulmonary Doctor, Dr. Jason Fain. I have another appointment with him on February 26th. I will be tested again to see where my lungs/oxygen levels are. I can tell they are improving; however, I don't know if they are strong enough when it comes to surgery. Dr. Thomas said that if Dr. Fain did not give her clearance for just the double mastectomy, we would have to take a secondary route. I asked her what that would look like. She told me that rather than going for a cure, I would have to go back to Dr. Bondly, my Oncologist, and see what alternatives she would plan out for me. It would be a maintenance plan....not a plan for cure. That is NOT what I wanted to hear and that is NOT what I believe will happen.

It is believed by all of my doctors and me included, that this lung/oxygen was caused by the chemo drug Taxotere. The chemo drug that has caused me so many negative side-effects. I found out last week that my heart was NOT permanently damaged from, I am believing that my lungs also have NOT been permanently damaged.  

I have complete faith and trust that my lungs and my oxygen levels will be much improved when I go back to Dr. Fain on the 26th. I have complete faith and complete trust that he will clear me for the double mastectomy surgery. I don't think that I will keep the reconstruction option open for now. The risks are too great! Dr. Thomas told me that if I decided to wait and wanted to revisit that option another time, I could. I might change my mind; however, I do not believe that will happen. Six months from now, I will be living a very happy, active, cancer FREE life and I will only be looking ahead....not revisiting past decisions. 

I have told God this entire journey that what I want is to be cured....100% cured with an earthly healing. And, that still remains true and my focus. After a mastectomy or double mastectomy, no surgery is going to leave you looking "pretty." Your nerves are severed; therefore, you are left numb and you are left with scars that go across your chest....and that is with or without reconstruction. The reconstruction is mainly for the purpose of aesthetics. In other words, to help you look better in your clothes or make them fit better. In addition, a lot of women do not want to wear a "pocket" bra with prosthetics as they can be weighty. Also, emotionally and psychologically, for a number of women....having some sense of "what was" still present offers a degree of normalcy. Every decision is a very personal one. 

I don't know how all of these changes will affect me....mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, but I am confident in my gracious Heavenly Father Who has been walking this journey with me....always leading the way....and always taking care of every issue that I have faced. I am a strong, brave daughter of the Most High King. It is not on my own that strength and courage wash through me....It is because of His shield that wraps me in His glory. Although I didn't know prior to today what I know now, God did and He has already been working it all out.  

A Super Praise Report: Back on December 18, 2018 I had Genetic Testing at the request of my Oncologist, Dr. Bondly. Since my Bilateral Breast Cancer is hormone based, she wanted to see if I had the gene that would predispose me for Ovarian Cancer. My report from the test is in and I received a copy while I was at Dr. Thomas' office today. The report is NEGATIVE!!!! I do NOT have the gene!  No hysterectomy! That is great news....not only for me, but also for Ashleigh and Norah Jane! Praise God! Thank You Jesus! Amen! 

ALL Praise, Honor, and Glory continue to go to our Holy Creator, Mighty God, and Great Physician. 

God has so much in store for me! So many ways that I will use my testimony! So many ways that I can bring glory to Him by serving others in His Name! WOW.....I am SO EXCITED!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7

Thank you all as you continue to lift me in your prayers. God is listening and He is healing. 

Through the storms of life and through the 
sun-filled times.....God is ALWAYS a good and loving God!

Love You All!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe
#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  #GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. I have no personal experience with what you're going thru, but I believe if I were in the situation, I'd just let reconstruction go. Tacky question, but what do you really need 'chesties' for?? maybe your clothes would fit a bit better, but so what? Is it really worth the extra expense, misery, challenges, time, possibilities of more issues, more infection, more of so much just to have a blouse that sits up pretty?? These are just my thoughts. Prayers for the best info you can get and strength and wisdom to make a choice.


    1. Thank you for responding to my blog post. From your response, however, I’m not sure that you actually read it. To have reconstruction or not, as I pointed out in my journal blog is an individual choice as many factors are involved. My decision has already been made because of health risks dealing with my low oxygen levels. God is leading my journey and He is always my guide. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings.

  2. Prayers is the best thing to do for all.sitiations Patricia so I give it all to him for you and me both but mainly for you god is with you every step.of the way with you love you my sweet sister in Christ

    1. Thank you Lynn for your response post. Yes, God is leading my journey and my full trust and faith is in Him. As I always say....."Prayers are my greatest gift." Love you.

  3. Dear Patricia,
    I am so thrilled with 90% of your options today. I love that you will not need a hysterectomy. That is huge!

    I also think that it’s fine for you to have the double mastectomy (if your pulmonologist ‘okays’ it) and no implants until you have recovered from your surgeries completely. REMEMBER: If you do want them, when you wake up from the implant surgery it should painless!!! Your nerves have already been cut so you won’t feel much at all. You can always pursue that option later on.

    Regarding your double mastectomy … I am praying that your lungs and oxygen levels are high enough for there to be no doubt that you can withstand the 3-hour surgery. I want you to be free of any speck of cancer that may have lingered so I am praying that we won’t even have to “go” there. I am praying that your double mastectomy will go on as desired. You have the rest of your life to see if you want implants later on. No big deal if you don’t want to go through several more surgeries. (I had mine put in during my mastectomies, so you would need TWO more surgeries to have them. It may not be worth it, but it’s your call. I am with you all thy way.)

    So, our only real hurdle is your checkup with your pulmonologist on this coming Tuesday. That is where my prayers will be concentrated … for now.

    I love you and am praying for fantastic news next week. It’s all good.


    1. Hi sweet sister and thank you for your response. Yes....I consider today a great day filled with awesome news that I know I will be able to move forward with. Dr. Thomas and Dr. Bondly did not feel confident with me having 2 surgeries back to back as there are too many risks at this time. However, I do believe that I will receive approval from Dr. Fain for my Double Mastectomy and I will get it done as planned. If I do change my mind later, I can go back and have the 3+ hour reconstruction as a single procedure and not "piggy-back" on an already 3 hour surgery. I am thankful for this consultation and that everything was made much more clear today. I knew I saw something in Dr. Thomas' face last week that she just didn't say. But, now she has and I believe the right decision has been made. Thank you always for caring and for praying. Step-by-step we are getting through this cancer journey. I am so excited that I am starting to taste food a good way and my hair has grown so much in the last two weeks. Very exciting! Love you!

  4. Be totally assured that my every prayer, day and night, includes your name, in person, to our Awesome Heavenly Father!

    1. Thank you so much, Ron. You are such an amazing man of God and His glory always shines through you. I am so thank you have you as a friend, my brother in Christ, and my prayer warrior.


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