Cancer is NO Blessing.....Let HIM Shine!

I lift daily in my prayers those who are living with breast cancer....along with all other types of cancer as well. I know how precious and cherished each prayer is that is lifted up to our loving and gracious Father. It is only through our faith-filled trust in Him and His power that we can see the hope and receive the necessary strength to carry us to the wellness side of this journey.

There is nothing pretty or appealing about having cancer. It isn’t supposed to be because it is not from God; however, we can choose to allow His Light to shine through and create a beautiful story of overcoming. In order for this to happen, we must be very transparent about the bad, the negatives. If we make cancer something that its clearly not, we will diminish His glorious part in the journey. If we call it a blessing, a beautiful experience, then what does that say for all who didn't survive? Or what does it say about the ones who are broken, tattered, and can barely see the next day in front of them, but in the midst....they still remain faithful in their walk, in their determination and in their praise to God?

It is not cancer that is a blessing. It is a curse as it is part of the fallen world in which we live. It is from satan....just as death comes from him. Cancer is heartbreak, sorrow, illness, and struggle. But, it is how we handle our journey....among the ugliness of cancer, we can find strength, hope, beauty in our Savior, a closeness to our Holy Creator like never before. We can hold our candles high and shine His light for all to see! We can bring glory and honor to Him on days when we feel we aren't able to make another step. It is on those days, we know for sure that He is carrying us. It is on those days that we magnify Him to the greatest of our ability. 

The "light" should never be given to cancer. It deserves no accolades. No acknowledgement of merit or special place of honor. The only honor belongs to our merciful and gracious Great Physician as He walks this journey with us and when He kills the cancer within us. We fight the battle, but God wins the war over cancer and He has already defeated the evil one. 

So, in the battle against cancer - from illness to wellness - the rightful place is complete honesty. There are so many negatives about cancer and the side-effects that go along from beginning to end, but to cover them with a blanket of silence or being made to feel that your relationship with God is less than if you speak truth is wrong and disallows God, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit Their proper place. It is only when the bad, the ugly raw reality is shared that The Light of Hope, Love, and Healing can truly shine.  It is in the midst of our darkest times that we see the Brightest Light. 

So many blessings can come from living through cancer, but to be assured.....cancer is NOT "the" blessing. There is zero blessing in the illness and/or death of a child, a mom, a dad, a grandparent, an aunt, uncle....friend or family one! It is the friends and loved ones who walk the journey with you. It is the hundreds of thousands of prayers offered up to our Father in your name. Its the encouraging notes on Facebook, the card that arrives in the mail at just the right time. It is the texts received daily that let you know that not a day passes that you aren't on their mind and in their prayers. It is uplifting, loving words whispered when you need them most. It is the "Praise God" moments when you receive a great report. Its the "God is faithful....God is forever with me" on those days that aren't their best. It is allowing His Scriptures to feed your soul everyday. It is drinking-in all the good around you and not taking anything for granted. It is loving greater and appreciating more. It is serving others on days when you feel you need to be served. It is God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit....everyday, in every way being given their matter what the day looks like from within your sick, struggling body. God loves each of His children with a powerful, never-ending love. He NEVER wants to see His children be sick, hurt, or die; however, He will allow it. We must be His blessing through everything we experience in this life....the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Praise God for His Power, Praise Jesus for His loving compassion, Praise His Holy Spirit for walking within and leading the way. 

God is The Blessing! Jesus is The Blessing! His Holy Spirit is The Blessing!

Let Him Shine!
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life." - John 8:12



#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Oh Patricia,
    That was so beautifully written. You have a gift and you are using your writing for the glory of God. I love your spirit, your determination and you skills at sharing your thoughts. I love you.,

    1. I love you sweet lady and appreciate so much that you are walking this journey with me. I thank you for you sweet, uplifting words. 💗


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