CANCER: Celebration.....Cancer has NOT spread!

UPDATE: (We just got home - A long day!)


My surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas didn’t delay her message at all once we got in to see her. We had to wait a couple of hours after getting to her office, but definitely worth the wait! She walked in and said, “I have some good news!” That is all it took for me and my children, Ashleigh and Michael, to break into tears, praising God, laughing, and jumping for joy!

It was like being born again. God has granted me a new life! My cancer is NO WHERE ELSE IN MY BODY!!! It is limited to my breasts and lymph node on the right side. WOW!!!! I can and WILL be cured! Dr. Thomas even started crying. I told her that I had just told God that no good would come from my cancer being spread, but MUCH GOOD would come from Him giving me life…..and He has given me life! 

She went over everything with us and we decided to start chemo right away. I will have the best results to get the tumors and the lymph node involvement to start shrinking right away and it will stop the cancer it its tracks. So, she immediately sent me to the Bruno Cancer Center to meet with my Oncologist, Dr. Cara Bondly. 

I had more blood drawn, a brief check-up, and a consultation with me, Michael, and Ashleigh. She let me know that I will have 8 rounds of chemo and I will have two different kinds of chemo. It will be approximately 1 treatment every two weeks. Tomorrow, they have scheduled me to have an echocardiogram because this chemo will affect the pumping of the heart. On Friday, I will have the port put in by Dr. Princess Thomas. Then, on Tuesday, I will begin chemo. 

God set me up for a WIN!!! I totally believe that! From day one, He gave me a push the morning of September 10th….as if I heard His voice and felt His touch…..He told me to get to a doctor that day and I frantically got to a doctor to get a referral. Ashleigh had heard about the Camellia Women’s Imaging and Dr. Tataria on Christian radio and the grandmother of Sadie also told me that she had used her so I knew that is who I was supposed to go to. 

That very day, September 10th, I had regular and 3D mammograms, as well as, a sonogram. I knew then that I had breast cancer….just didn’t know the extent. God has walked me through this journey to get the best care and the fastest treatment and care. Every doctor’s office and imaging we have gone to have Christian caregivers and always have had a Bible present, and may have prayed for me. WOW! I am so very blessed and so very thankful. 

Each and everyone of you have prayed me through to this point. We prayed and prayed, God has been listening, and He has answered with the best results anyone who has cancer could have. I love each of you for putting me before our Holy Creator daily. I cannot express how much that means to me and I believe it has made a difference in my recovery. Please don’t stop now. This will be a long journey. 

I will not have surgery until sometime next year….after the chemo is over. Surgery options and decisions made will come later......most likely I will have a double mastectomy after the tumors are shrunk with chemo. And, after the surgery, I will have radiation. Right now, I am just so happy and ready to start killing this cancer! God is always amazing, but today He has made this child of His and my family overwhelmed with thankful joy. 

Jeremiah 17:14 - "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;

save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise."

Note: - Once a person finally understands that healing is a

part of the finished work of grace along with salvation, paid

for at the same time with the same healing Blood, then you

can get excited about this verse saying; "You did it Lord for

me! Then according to this verse I will agree and say, I WILL

have healing just as I have salvation, it's mine NOW

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree   #MyCancerWarisOn   
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


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