CANCER: October 9th - A New Reality......First Chemo Treatment

I was diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer - yesterday was one month ago - but it hasn't really sunk in that it is real. It has been like going through the appointment after another, one biopsy after another, another test, sonogram, PET Scan....on and on....going somewhere almost every day to be tested and learn something new about my diagnosis.  

Today was a new day! My first chemo treatment! I walk into a large waiting room, sign in and sit down. It is filled with people varying in age and condition; however, we have one thing in common....we ALL have cancer and we are ALL seeking help to rid ourselves of this horrific disease. It is a bit overwhelming. My reality has finally hit me square in the face. It is true....It is real....I have Stage 3 Breast Cancer and that includes lymph node involvement! 

It no longer feels like a dream or nightmare that I hope to soon wake up from. No, it is very VERY real and now I have to get into a fighting mindset. A mindset that will be positive, fueled by the knowledge that my Holy Creator, Father God, and Great Physician will be carrying me all the way through this journey. I cannot be weak or complacent as cancer is a fight, a battle....and all out war! God has been leading me to get the care I need from medical professionals to bring healing and I also know He will be guiding them in my treatments and all of my care. He will work His miracles within me even when I am unaware of His active work, but the results will show He has been curing me, healing me all along.

I got more blood work today. They used my port for the first time to take my blood as I just had the surgery to have it put in on Friday and today is Tuesday. The nurse flushed it out with saline and proceeded to take my blood. It worked perfectly! So happy to not have to get stuck today. Took my blood pressure. Still elevated, but not too high. Now, back to the waiting room until called for my chemo treatment.

Now, I am one of "them." Some are so frail, some have no hair, some are here for their last treatment and are rejoicing in the final push to wellness. Some, not many, are here alone. No one to sit with them while they have their chemo treatment. That saddens my heart for them. I am so blessed to have had both of my children by my side every step of this journey. Of course, Joey is with me in heart, but has to work so Ashleigh can be with me. Larry is not physically able to walk the distances we have to travel, but his heart is with me. Today, it is Ashleigh and I. Each cancer patient is only allowed one person with them and I am so thankful to have her by my side. She and Michael are being so strong for me.....just as I want to be strong for them!

Our common link....we have cancer and we are tackling it with all the strength we have. I look around and can't help but wonder.....Do all of these precious souls have a faith, a strong faith-filled relationship with Jesus? I pray they do! I could NOT imagine going through an earth-shattering time such as this without knowing that He will be leading my journey and carrying me when I can't carry myself.

They call my name and I go to a private room and wait for the Oncologist to come meet with me. She informs me on some vitamin deficiencies detected in my blood work so I will have to start taking some extra supplements. In addition, she warns me of some herbs, etc that I need to stay away from. This is a brief meeting with an overview of what to expect next.

Ashleigh and I are escorted to a cancer bay - 4A - that is where the chemical healing begins.....I know that God has already started my healing process. This area is filled with MANY cancer bays and each one has a soul sitting in a recliner receiving their treatment. As soon as one's treatment is completed, they walk away, the area is cleaned and sanitized, and another person comes to take their place. The number of cancer patients just in this one facility is overwhelming. So many living and dealing with cancer!

They are so kind and attentive to all of your needs. They provide toasty warm blankets, coffee, water, drinks, snacks.... Because it is my first treatment, I have a lengthy teaching lesson on my chemo treatments....what will be happening and what to expect. Today, I am being given two cancer fighting drugs, plus I will have four different types of nausea medicine injected into my port as well. One of them had a steroid which was accompanied by some very uncomfortable feeling of multiple needles piercing me all at once. That lasted for about 3 minutes. I had a saline drip, 3 huge tubes of red medicine was pushed manually into my port line, and then I had a clear medicine drip that took about an hour to complete. When all done, the nurse flushed my port line again and released me to go home. I was there a total of 5 hours today.

You leave feeling "physically" no different than when you arrived; however, mentally you leave very changed from when you first walked in. I realize how much my life and surroundings must be guarded and cared for to protect me from any illness. If I have a fever as low as 100.5 I have to go immediately to the cancer center. If they are closed, I have to go to the emergency room. If I am in an area with lots of people who could potentially be sick or carriers, I need to wear a mask. If I get sick, it could cause me to miss a treatment and that is something that I do NOT want to happen. Since my treatments are in the Fall and Winter, it might be a challenge to stay well, but that is my goal!

This is my current plan to wellness:

Chemo for approximately 4 months
Double Mastectomy 

5 Years on a Chemo Pill

In this journey, I have so many things I can be assured of:

I know and am assured that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will be with me....leading every step of my journey.
I know that friends and family....even people I have never met, will be lifting me in their daily prayers.

I know that I am loved with an everlasting love.
I know, I believe with a faith-filled heart, that I will be cancer free at the end of this lengthy journey.

Hebrews 13:8 tells us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!"

Romans 8:11 - "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal (Natural, Earthly) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you." - This is important! Take a close look at this Scripture. This is talking about our body that we have now, not the one we are going to receive one day in eternity! Notice that the will of the Lord IS to impart His resurrection life into our natural, earthly body as we place our faith in His finished work of the cross. I will praise Him for this promise as I receive this as my very own message.

Matthew 18:19 - "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it WILL be done for them by My Father in heaven." Note that the prayer agreement is powerful! Having believers agree with me for my healing is extremely important and cherished!


#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. I am so sad that you have to be one of "them" . . . those who must fight cancer and endure chemo. But I am so thrilled that you have Ashleigh by your side throughout this. I praise God for her. You can be such an example to the others who are going through what you are, but who don't have faith in their lives. Do not stress about being overly brave. You are a human being filled with emotions. But when people ask you how you get through it, just give Jesus all the credit. I am praying for you always, and very excited about your Plan to wellness. It sounds just right. (and you'll never have to buy a bra again. If only I'd saved all the money I used for Bras, I'd be rich.

    Keep your sense of humor. Don't feel that you have to respond to every note. Baby yourself. Encourage yourself, and lean on His everlasting loving arms.

    I'm with you all the way.

    1. You are so awesome, my sweet sister-friend. I know that you are very well aware of what I am going through. I really appreciate your encouraging me....especially to be real and to baby myself. I am the one who usually does the babying of others so it is hard to put myself in that position, but I know it will become more and more necessary. I plan to be very transparent in this journey so He can receive the greatest praise and glory when blesses me with complete earthly healing. Love you so much and your words always lift me. No bras.....that 's a winner right there! 💗

  2. Hello Patricia, I hope this works!😅😂

  3. It did but I can only find your first day radiation blog, so I commented on it. Hope to find the others as I go. Any instructions? 💛


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