CANCER: A Reality of Chemo....My Hair is Leaving!

I have been hoping that my hair would stay with me for a while longer, but this morning....while getting ready for church....she started letting go. After brushing through my hair, I looked at my hair brush and saw a lot of long strands of hair. I was a bit taken back because I have been checking it and it has been firmly attached to my scalp. I fixed my hair, went on the church and just left it alone. I sprayed it with hairspray and figured it would keep in intact for a while.

While we were riding home from church....on the way to lunch....I was telling Ashleigh and Joey what had happened with my hair this morning (Mike already knew because I had shown him when it happened). Anyway, I tugged my hair thinking that it would still be strong, but I felt it release from my scalp. It literally made me feel nauseated. It seriously took my breath away for a second. The reality of losing my hair is happening.

Tonight, as I brushed my hair, more and more started to turn loose and fill my brush so I decided to go ahead and cut my hair shorter to get ready for what is inevitably coming. It made my heart sad....not so much losing my hair in itself, but of course, the meaning behind it and how living with cancer not only effects me, but especially my precious family.

Hair, pretty - healthy hair is so important to most women. 1 Corinthians 11:15 tells us that "a woman's hair is her glory." My grandsons, John (6) and Jack (4), were told that their MiMi had breast cancer and their mama and papa shared with them some of the side-effects that go along with the disease and treatment. When Jack heard that my hair would fall out, he fixated on that. He did NOT like that his MiMi would be losing her hair. Our smart little John said, "But it's just hair....and hair will grow back." John knew that chemo causing my hair to fall out would be a small price to pay in my journey to wellness.

Am I happy about it, of course not; however, it validates to me that the chemo is working. It is going to kill the good in order to destroy the bad. I know the chemo is working because evidence shows by my hair releasing from my head.

Tuesday, I go back to the Oncologist. She is going to check me and see if she finds evidence of my tumors shrinking. I believe she will! I will also have my second chemo treatment. Please pray that all goes well and that my side-effects will be minimal.

God has been, is, and will always be my constant in life. His plan, from the beginning, was to bring me through the fire and bless me with a complete earthly healing. There are lessons He wants me to things He wants me to see that can only come through traveling this path. He is shaping me to be the best me, not only for me, but the best me that I can be for Him. He is giving me a new testimony and through it I will shine His Glory. Amen!

#GodisLeading    #MygoalisCancerFree


HAIR CUT - 10/21/2018


#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Hair does grow back, but several of people I know had their heads shaved before all the hair loss. It was so hard for them to see it coming out in clumps in the shower. You can bring a wig to the beauty parlor and after they shave it off, they can show you how to manage your wig. Or you can let nature take it's course. Do whatever is easiest for you.

    Praying all the way.

  2. The reason I cut my hair shorter last night is to prepare for the shave. I do not like the feeling of having my hair turn loose as I touch it or brush through it. It gives me a bit of a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. The transition will be better for me, if I take control and lose my hair on my time-table. I probably will not be wearing a wig. There are so many cute hats and caps for chemo patients so that is the route I plan to go. I might get a wig for "just in case," but I don't see myself wearing it. It no eyelashes and no eyebrows, I think it just makes more sense to not wear a wig. But, that has to be a decision made for everyone individually for sure. 💗

  3. I hadn't seen this until today. I saw the photo of you on the 22nd and was so excited that you shaved your head. You jumped ahead of the torture. I agree about the wig. You are beautiful and don't need to hide. Your bravery is stunning. You have this; and we have you in prayer.

    I am so excited that last night you shared that your chemo is working. It is doing exactly what it was meant to do. You are writing a journal to help others before they even know that they will take this journey. I love your heart. Our congregation is praying for you. I am with you in my heart.

  4. Thank you so much, Carole, for your sweet words and for walking this journey with me. Your encouragement and prayers mean so much. I am very happy to know that your congregation is also praying for me. As you know, prayers are such a wonderful blessing and gift. Love you.


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