Post from my son, Michael June 2nd

This is Michael, Patricia’s son. My mom asked me to give everyone an update on her behalf because she is not able to respond to anyone right now. She needs your prayers because she has a new infection with a 101.4 fever. Along with that, her entire mouth and throat is massively swollen with sores. She can’t eat, talk or hardly swallow. 

She currently needs assistance to walk as she is having severe bone and joint pain. Two days ago she had a very large rash appear on the top and back of her head. She is currently taking a very strong antibiotic to hopefully help fight off the infection. We called her oncologist today and they said if her fever hasn’t gone down by tomorrow then they may have to admit her to the hospital. 

We are extremely thankful for all the prayers, love and support!

This is Michael again. I wanted to give everyone an update on my mom... Her condition has drastically worsened from earlier today to the point where she had to be taken to the ER. 

Her fever has gone up to almost 103 degrees. She is not doing well at all and her situation is serious. 

Please be praying hard for her! She desperately needs them!

Photos Below….


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