Update - June 17th



This morning I had lab work done at the Bruno Cancer Center. My Oncologist had planned on giving me a blood transfusion and platelet transfusion. While in the hospital for two weeks, I had two blood transfusions and one platelet transgusion. Dr. Bondly wanted my numbers to be good for me to make the trip to MD Anderson in Houston. 

Well, to everyone’s surprise my White Blood Count was up from zero to 4,000. My platelet count is up to 44,000....still not where they need to be at 60,000, but much improved. My Bilirubin was at 0.9 which is in normal range. Therefore, no transfusions today!!! Thank You Jesus!!! 🙌🏻 Well, to say the least, I left the Cancer Center very happy, blessed, and thankful. 

Ashleigh and I were talking on the phone, as Michael took me today, she had just mentioned to me that nothing was mentioned in my Portal about my Liver Enzyme numbers. So, we thought they must not have checked them today. Right after that conversation, I received a call from one of Dr. Bondly’s nurses. She said that Dr. Bondly wanted to make sure I knew that they did check my Liver Enzymes today....the results just had not come in before I left. My ALT is in normal range and my AST is slightly above normal, but almost in normal range. There is no way to Praise God enough!!! Two weeks ago, I wasn’t expected to live to get out of the hospital and today, my numbers are miraculously improved!!! To God be all the Praise, Honor, and Glory! 

I know that with Metastatic Breast Cancer in my bones and liver, my situation can flip in the opposite direction without warning, but for today....I have a win and I am going to enjoy where I am and be very thankful! 

Thank all of you for your continued prayers. They are SO important!!! Thank you all who have sent cards, calls, texts, private messages, and have blessed me with financial support. I thank God for each of you. 

We leave for MD Anderson on Sunday. Please pray for our safe travel and for success in my time with the Breast Cancer Specialist at MD Anderson. 

Love you all! 💕

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