Post from Michael - June 4th

This is Michael and this is the update on my mom for today: 

Last night my mom had to have an EKG due to an abnormality in her heartbeat. The nurses believe that it was from her fever and medicine. She has a serious side-effect from her chemo…Neutropenic FeverHer doctor is further reading the EKG and will give us his report tomorrow. She had to have a blood transfusion last night because her blood levels keep dropping. She will need a platelet transfusion at some point.

Her doctor will be starting her on a feeding IV tomorrow morning as she is unable to eat or drink anything on her own. She has severe thrush in her throat and mouth. She is on an antibiotic that will hopefully help. She hasn’t slept much due to having nightmares and hallucinations. Her doctor is giving her some sleeping medicine tonight so that she will hopefully get some sleep.

I was told by her doctor if she wouldn’t have been brought in the hospital when she was then she wouldn’t be here today. God is leading the way and my mom is fighting so hard. We were told it will be a really slow recovery process. She is not going to give up.

We’ve received so many private messages and phone calls. We appreciate all of them! Just know that it might take us a while to respond to everyone. I’ve been reading everyone’s  comments to her. Many have asked about sending flowers or cards. She can’t have flowers around her or in her room due to the possibility of bacteria. Anyone is welcome to send cards to our home address: 

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

I’ll collect the cards anyone sends and place them in her room. I’m sure it would bring her some joy. 

If you’d like to help support with her mounting medical expenses through monetary means, then you can donate to the GoFundMe link below:


1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 36004


Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!

Photo Below….


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