Update from Ashleigh - June 9th

Good Afternoon! This is Ashleigh. 

Things have been pretty slow on the healing side of things for a couple of days; but, we’ve had a good bit of change today. So, I want to let you all know how Mama is doing as of now.

A couple of days ago, Mama had a platelet transfusion to help her platelets get to a safer place. They jumped up pretty quickly but then fell a little bit today, although not too much. This it isn’t a major cause of concern right now. Her White Blood Cell counts have increased to the target the doctor’s wanted her to reach before going home, which is great news. We still have a bit to go with the platelets, though. 

She has been able to regain a good bit of strength and can now walk to the bathroom in her room without a walker as long as Michael or I walk with her. Mama has been on a TPN (Nutrition IV) for four days now. This has caused some issues with how her body is dealing with sugar over the last couple of days. So, she has been having insulin every 4 hours or so. 

The Speech Therapist came in today and cleared her to be able to eat solid foods. As of tonight, they will begin to wean her off of the TPN. This may take a couple of days; but, she can go ahead and try to eat some solid foods. 

Even though she still has a good bit of pain and problems with swallowing, this is a huge step forward in her recovery. Food Services even brought her a vegetarian friendly meal tonight. She wasn’t able to eat a whole lot of it; but, she did get a few bites. It was wonderful for me and Mike to see. After all, she hasn’t eaten any solid food for a week now. 

The nurses will continue to monitor her sugar over the next couple of days as they begin to lessen the TPN. We are hopeful that her sugar will even back out as she transitions to a normal diet. 

She is definitely getting better with each passing day and is talking much stronger today. We are thankful for every small improvement. We even got this beautiful smile from her as she tried to eat her first few bites of food. 

We are so thankful for your love, support and continued prayers! 

I hope you all have a wonderful night!


1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 36004




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