UPDATE: Catching up from my last post – July 9, 2021 (Today: 07-26-2021)

My July 9th Blog Update was so packed with information, therefore, if you want to get even more information, you can go back and read my post prior to this one.

As I shared in my last post, Dr. Bondly, my Oncologist, was in full agreement with me that I did not need to go a full 3 weeks after my treatments without having my blood panels ran. It is just too risky. Therefore, on July 14th, I went back to the Bruno Cancer Center and had more bloodwork ran to see where my numbers were following my July 8th chemo treatments. They took 10 vials of blood!

Well, sadly, they had plummeted again. My White Blood Count was below ZERO. My Red Blood Count was at a mere 2.61. My Hemoglobin was very low at 8.8. There are a lot of numbers involved in testing, but those give you the general perspective. I also had a Peripheral Blood Smear. It was for the purpose of checking to see if I had developed an autoimmune such as Lupus that might help explain my Red Blood Count being so aggressively attacked. PRAISE GOD….that test proved to be NEGATIVE!!! I also had a test for Platelet Antibodies. If that showed to be positive, it would mean that my body has created antibodies to attack my Platelets. This is potentially very serious. Although, my Platelets are consistently running low….they do fluctuate up and down….but, no where near normal. But, PRAISE GOD, all testing for the Platelet Antibodies showed NEGATIVE!!!!

Because of my low Blood Counts and Platelet Counts, I had to have a Blood Transfusion and Platelet Transfusion while I was at the Cancer Center. I felt so blessed to be able to have these transfusions immediately! Thank You Jesus! There is no way to know each time how long the transfusions will help or how long they will stay in your body. It varies per patient. But, for this day, I received exactly what I needed and that was fantastic!

On July 21st at 7:45am, I was back at the Bruno Cancer again. We did a CBC (Complete Blood Count) with Differential, a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, along with several other blood profiles. Following the blood test results, I had a Consultation with Dr. Bondly.

Last week, we did not do the Metabolic Panel; therefore, I did not know what my Tumor Markers were after my chemo treatments on July 8th. I was extremely disappointed and somewhat shocked that my Tumor Markers had barely changed. I usually see a greater decrease after chemo treatments. My Cancer Antigen or Tumor Markers were 2963.2 which is very high. On July 8th they were at 2996.0, but on July 2nd, they had went down to 2422.0….still extremely high, but was moving in the right direction. My White Blood Count was up to 3.1….still low, but much improved. My Red Blood Count and Hemoglobin were both lower. My AST or Liver Enzymes are always high as it shows liver damage. However, it was lower on the 21st than on the 8th. My AST numbers have been much higher, so I am just thankful they are a little lower today.  

Although my numbers were more negative than positive, Dr. Bondly felt overall positive. She said that I looked better than I have in a while. I appreciated that positive feedback. Dr. Bondly is going to be gone on vacation for the next two weeks, but her main nurse, Ed, will take great care of me. I am scheduled to go back on July 29th and have another CBC Panel ran plus a Metabolic Panel. I will wait for the results and if my numbers are high enough, I will be able to have my chemo treatments. If they are not high enough, I will go back on Friday, the 30th, and have bloodwork ran again. If I need Blood and Platelet Transfusions, I will have them Thursday.

I was so concerned with my Tumor Markers not going down after my last treatment, I called the Cancer Center on the 22nd and spoke to Ed. He explained that since my chemo treatments have been reduced by 30%, we will probably not see drastic changes after each treatment. However, the key is that the numbers continue to go down or up….depending on the individual specifics. He read me a couple of notes directly from what Dr. Bondly had written after our Consultation and that brought me peace as well as Ed’s assurance.

My son, Michael, has had to take a lot of time off of work because a lot of time, I have to have someone with me. Since being diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer in my Bones, Liver, and Bone Marrow….there have been times that I have been an extreme fall risk, couldn’t walk on my own, and couldn’t stand long enough to cook for myself. Michael cooks for me, cleans the house, does all the shopping….on and on. Between Ashleigh and Michael, they take turns taking me to the Cancer Center. On days that I have Consultations with Dr. Bondly, Ashleigh always goes with me. She asks the tough questions and keeps a record of everything. I am so beyond blessed to have my children. When Ashleigh goes with me, Michael stays with my grands so that she can go.

Cancer is so tough on everyone in the immediate family. It is a family effort just to get from one day to the next. For now, this is the course of my life. I am going to the Bruno Cancer Center at least 3 weeks out of a month (4 trips)….sometimes more. I have bloodwork at least 3 times a week, with possible blood transfusions and antibiotics. The day of chemo treatments I have bloodwork to give me the go-ahead. I also have a Bone Shot that day. On the next day, I go back to the Cancer Center to the Shot Room and have the Neulasta Shot in my arm. I am also now taking the prescription to help fight the ulcers and thrush in my throat and mouth after chemo treatments.

So after my last chemo treatments that were reduced by 30%, I had a Bone Shot, a Neulasta Shot (to help increase White Blood Count), Blood Transfusion, Platelet Transfusion, 7 days on a strong antibiotic, Diflucan 100MG, and the Miracle Mouthwash 3 times per day.

I have been knocked to my knees and sometimes even worse; however, with this last combination, I am praying that we finally have found our right combination. YES, it is a lot to go through, but so worth it if I can continue this path and get better. Another reason I question if my last chemo treatments worked is because I have felt so much better than I ever have after a treatment. I have felt like I am “living life” and not just existing.

I have been able to have my grands over to spend the night for the first time since beginning of the year. I was honored to have visits and prayers from Patrick Mead, Minister of the Our Safe Harbor Church in Springhill, Tennessee on July 5th and Tim and Cindy Haddock, who serve on the Pastoral Care Team with the North Blvd. Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on July 24th. I finally felt safe enough, although my immune is still low, to get my COVID vaccine. So, Ashleigh, Michael, and I went together and got our shots Saturday. I have not been able to gather in the assembly since the first of the year. I spend my Sundays watching several gatherings online, but I felt that yesterday was the time to go back. I wore my mask and was able to enjoy in-person singing, praying, and a good message. It felt so good!

God is SO GOOD to me!!!! Since my last chemo treatments on July 8th with all of the other additions that we are now including in my treatment protocol, I have felt human again. I have not taken a pain pill in at least 3 weeks or more. Yes, I still have pain, but for now….I can deal with it without having to take medication. If I can do without any pain medication, I prefer not having it filter through my liver. I use doTerra Deep Blue Cream on my legs every night. It helps with my joint and bone pain….plus the restless legs that I get from chemo. I also take a pill every day to help with bone and joint pain.

Our God is a God of miracles. Just as we read about in the Bible, we still see Him perform miraculous healing today. He is our Healer....our Great Physician, and we can confidently approach Him asking for healing. In faith, ask God for healing. Proclaim His power and goodness, believing and trusting Him to take care of you or those you're praying to be healed.

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits....Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

Psalm 103:2-5

If you would like to bless me with a financial love offering to help with my medical expenses, my address and GoFundMe link is below. With my increased medical care needs, my cost out of pocket continue to rise. I am not getting in bills that my part is anywhere from $500+ to over $2,000+. I have Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield Advantage. The BCBS Advantage is NOT good insurance. I am thankful for what little it pays, but my cost for deductibles and co-pays continue to rise. It took a very long time for me to find any Cancer Center that would take me outside of Alabama with the insurance I have, but I finally....after about 3 weeks of conversations....got approval from MD Anderson. I still don't know yet what my total out of pocket expenses are going to be for that trip. I can understand why no one wants to accept this insurance....because it just doesn't pay. For me to get insurance that will cover me out of state will cost over $500 per month as I have already checked into it, but that is way out of my range of possibilities. 

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004


Click Here To Donate


Patrick Mead - Our Safe Harbor Church


Tim and Cindy Haddock - North Blvd. Church of Christ

Our God is an Awesome God! He has never left me in my 3 year war with cancer….not even for a moment. I feel His presence, His peace, and His calm. I hear His voice…not audibly, but I hear it in my soul as His message is fed to me through His Most Holy Spirit. He told me on day one….3 years ago….that I was going to be okay and I take that as a direct promise to me. He feels me with hope and allows my heart to dream of the beauty that is yet to come…here…here on Earth with my children and grands. He feels my mind with imagination. He shows me that no matter my health, I can still serve others for His glory and their good in so may ways. Our limitations, in many cases, are set by our unwillingness to push through. I am so excited to forge ahead and see what dreams can come true! I believe that I will defy all odds and statistics! I believe and am convinced that God is going to bless me with many more years to walk on His magnificent creation.

Thank you all for your continued prayers for me and my family, cards, calls, texts, messages, financial support, and special gifts. I am blessed beyond measure. 

Love to you all!


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