Update June 14th

Hello my dear friends, family, and awesome prayer warriors. For the past 2 weeks, my children have been giving updates on how I was doing. 

Finally, tonight I am able to write my own update. I am still weak, but it feels awesome to finally be home! I will be brief as the neuropathy in my fingers makes it difficult to type. 

I cannot begin to thank all of you who have supported me and my family through cards, texts, phone calls, financial gifts, and prayers.  The past two weeks have not been at all easy, but God has brought me through. When I arrived at the hospital, they were not sure if I would make it or not….but, here I am continuing my war against the cancer within me. I am so blessed to have each of you who have walked this journey so faithfully with me and who continue to lift me in your prayers. My precious children are amazing as they swapped-out night after night to stay with me and make sure I wasn’t alone. And, Joey stayed home and took care of the kiddos so Ashleigh could be with me. My heart over-flows with thanksgiving. 

Thank You God! 🙌🏻 Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏻 I plead for the Holy Spirit’s continuous guidance in my journey. 

I am still not 100%, but I am so much better than what I was. I have an appointment at the Bruno Cancer Center Thursday morning at 8:30. They are going to check my blood counts and there is a good possibility that I will have additional blood and platelet transfusions. 

We will be leaving Sunday for MD Anderson. Ashleigh, Michael, and I were going to fly, but it is just too expensive. Therefore, we will be driving instead. We will drive half way and spend the night so I don’t get too tired. Ashleigh and Michael are going to be able to take turns going with me wherever I have to go…..and the other one can stay in the waiting area or at the hotel. Some very precious friends (like family) have given us points to cover 5 nights, on the first floor, and wheelchair accessible.

I had such a struggle getting insurance to work-out to even get an open door for an appointment at MD Anderson. I have no idea how much will or will not be covered, but I am overwhelmed with a very thankful heart to have this opportunity. 

If any of you would like to make a love offering toward my mounting expenses, it would be greatly appreciated. I love you all and your prayers are treasures.

“When my soul is distressed, I will call upon my Lord. He will help me to bear the trials that I face. I will continue to cast my burdens and anxieties on Him, for I know that He care for me.” Matthew 11:28 (Paraphrased)







The pic below is my last walk with Physical Therapy before I left today. 

Some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace 

Moody, AL 35004


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