Update from Ashleigh - June 13th

Good Afternoon! This is Ashleigh! I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday!

Mama is beginning to make strides towards being able to be discharged. The doctor spoke with her this morning and felt confident that she could be released by early to mid-week. They took her off of the TPN (Nutrition IV) on Saturday at 4:00. Since then, she has been incorporating more foods into her diet. 

The yeast infection in her throat has pretty much cleared up. Yay! It still hurts to swallow; but, it will take time for that to heal completely. The nurses are still checking her sugar every 4 hours and she has remained on insulin. They will continue to monitor that over the next couple of days.

Her white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets continued to go down as the transfusions began to leave her system. So, she had another blood transfusion yesterday. They are talking about the possibility of giving her another platelet transfusion before she leaves; but, we are unsure about that right now. 

Tomorrow morning, we will talk with Dr. Bondly, her oncologist, and develop a plan for discharge so that Mama can get ready for MD Anderson. 

That pretty much sums up that last few days. I will update tomorrow after we hear back from Dr. Bondly. 

As you can imagine, Mama is ready to get back home and prepare for her next step in her journey to healing and wellness. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We send our love and thanksgiving to all of you!


1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 36004




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