Update from Ashleigh - June 6th

 Good Afternoon! This is Ashleigh. 

I hope you all are having a restful weekend spent with family and friends, doing all of the things that fill your cup, and giving all glory and honor to God. He is good. 

Here’s the latest with Mama: 

She is slowly but surely getting better. Her blood counts are still very low; so, she feels pretty weak. For now, she can’t eat anything by mouth due to the Thrush in her mouth and throat; but, they are giving her a nutrition IV that is dripping over the course of 24 hours. We hope that she’ll tolerate that well and that she will start to recuperate a bit more soon.   

One of the main problems with the TPN, Total Parenteral Nutritional IV is that it contains a lot of sugar. Mama has to have her sugar checked in her fingers every 4 hours. And, it is always high; therefore, every 4 hours she is having to receive insulin. 

She is now able to get up with a walker and a nurse to walk herself to the bathroom. That pretty much zaps all of the energy that she has, though. Other than that, things are about the same. It will take time for her mouth to heal and her blood counts to rise. So, it is just about waiting for now. 

I asked the doctor if he thought we would be able to keep her MD Anderson appointment that is set for a couple of weeks away. He said that he thought she would be able to make it, which was very encouraging to us. 

That pretty much sums up where we are today. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. She’s going to make it through this by the grace of God and with your love and support. 

Mama sends her love and thanksgiving to all of you. 


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